238 lines
6.0 KiB
238 lines
6.0 KiB
#include "xml.h"
#include "pci.h"
#include "container.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
result_t generate_container_xml(char** _xml, char* container, int cpu, uint64_t memory, char** pcis, char** iso_paths, int vnc_port, char* vnc_password) {
// Initialize the output parameters
*_xml = NULL;
// Generate the PCI XML
char* pci_xml;
result_t result = generate_multi_pci_xml(&pci_xml, pcis);
if (result != success())
return result;
// Generate the ISO XML
char* iso_xml;
result = generate_multi_iso_xml(&iso_xml, iso_paths);
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Generate the VNC XML
char* vnc_xml;
result = generate_vnc_xml(&vnc_xml, vnc_port, vnc_password);
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Get the container path
char* container_path;
result = get_container_path(&container_path, container);
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Generate the XML
result = format(_xml, "<domain type='kvm'>\n"
"\n<!-- Resources -->\n"
"<memory unit='B'>%llu</memory>\n"
"<vcpu placement='static'>%d</vcpu>\n"
"<cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>\n"
"\n<!-- OS -->\n"
"<type arch='x86_64' machine='q35'>hvm</type>\n"
"<bootmenu enable='no'/>\n"
"\n<!-- Features -->\n"
"\n<!-- Clock -->\n"
"<clock offset='utc'>\n"
"<timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>\n"
"<timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>\n"
"<timer name='hpet' present='no'/>\n"
"\n<!-- Behavior -->\n"
"<suspend-to-mem enabled='yes'/>\n"
"<suspend-to-disk enabled='yes'/>\n"
"\n<!-- Devices -->\n"
"\n<!-- Disks -->\n"
"<disk type='file' device='disk'>\n"
"<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>\n"
"<source file='%s'/>\n"
"<target dev='sda' bus='sata'/>\n"
"<boot order='1'/>\n"
"\n<!-- ISOs -->\n"
"\n<!-- VNC -->\n"
"\n<!-- PCIs -->\n"
"\n<!-- Misc -->\n"
"<watchdog model='itco' action='poweroff'/>\n"
"<memballoon model='none'/>\n"
memory, cpu, container_path, iso_xml, vnc_xml, pci_xml);
// Free the PCI, ISO, and VNC XML
return result;
result_t generate_iso_xml(char** _xml, char* iso_path, int index) {
// Initialize the output parameters
*_xml = NULL;
if (index >= 26)
return failure("Too many ISO images");
// Generate the XML
return format(_xml, "<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>\n"
"<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>\n"
"<source file='%s'/>\n"
"<target dev='sd%c' bus='sata'/>\n"
"<boot order='%d'/>\n"
iso_path, 'b' + index, index + 2); // sda is reserved for the hard drive
result_t generate_multi_iso_xml(char** _xml, char** iso_paths) {
// Initialize the output parameters
*_xml = NULL;
char* xml = strdup("");
if (xml == NULL)
return failure("Failed to allocate memory for XML");
// For each ISO path, generate the XML and append it to the result
for (int i = 0; iso_paths[i] != NULL; i++) {
// Generate the XML for the ISO
char* iso_xml;
result_t result = generate_iso_xml(&iso_xml, iso_paths[i], i);
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Append the ISO XML to the result
char* new_xml;
result = format(&new_xml, "%s%s", xml == NULL ? "" : xml, iso_xml);
// Check that the append operation was successful
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Swap the XML strings
xml = new_xml;
*_xml = xml;
return success();
result_t generate_pci_xml(char** _xml, char* pci) {
// Initialize the output parameters
*_xml = NULL;
// Check that the PCI address is valid
result_t result = check_pci_address(pci);
if (result != success())
return result;
// Split the PCI address into its components
long domain = 0;
long bus = 0;
long slot = 0;
long function = 0;
// Generate the XML
return format(_xml, "<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>\n"
"<address domain='0x%04lx' bus='0x%02lx' slot='0x%02lx' function='0x%01lx'/>\n"
domain, bus, slot, function);
result_t generate_multi_pci_xml(char** _xml, char** pcis) {
// Initialize the output parameters
*_xml = NULL;
char* xml = strdup("");
if (xml == NULL)
return failure("Failed to allocate memory for XML");
// For each PCI address, generate the XML and append it to the result
for (int i = 0; pcis[i] != NULL; i++) {
// Generate the XML for the PCI address
char* pci_xml;
result_t result = generate_pci_xml(&pci_xml, pcis[i]);
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Append the PCI XML to the result
char* new_xml;
result = format(&new_xml, "%s%s", xml == NULL ? "" : xml, pci_xml);
// Check that the append operation was successful
if (result != success()) {
return result;
// Swap the XML strings
xml = new_xml;
*_xml = xml;
return success();
result_t generate_vnc_xml(char** _xml, int vnc_port, char* password) {
// Initialize the output parameters
*_xml = NULL;
// Generate the XML
if (vnc_port != -1)
return format(_xml, "<graphics type='vnc' port='%d' autoport='no' listen='' passwd='%s'/>\n", vnc_port, password);
return format(_xml, "");