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--- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
--- version 5.2.0
--- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
--- Hôte : localhost
--- Généré le : mar. 04 oct. 2022 à 15:55
--- Version du serveur : 10.8.3-MariaDB
--- Version de PHP : 8.1.7
-SET time_zone = "+00:00";
-/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
--- Base de données : `boudjeml`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Comptes`
-CREATE TABLE `Comptes` (
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idGrade` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `utilisateur` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `pass` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Comptes`
-INSERT INTO `Comptes` (`idCompte`, `idGrade`, `utilisateur`, `pass`) VALUES
-(0, 0, 'admin', 'admin'),
-(1, 1, 'prof', 'prof'),
-(2, 2, 'eleve', 'eleve');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Demandes`
-CREATE TABLE `Demandes` (
- `idRequete` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `type` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `contenu` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `quand` date NOT NULL,
- `heure` time NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Grades`
-CREATE TABLE `Grades` (
- `idGrade` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `intitule` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Grades`
-INSERT INTO `Grades` (`idGrade`, `intitule`) VALUES
-(0, 'Administrateur'),
-(1, 'Professeur'),
-(2, 'Eleve');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Groupes`
-CREATE TABLE `Groupes` (
- `idGroupe` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `intitule` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Groupes`
-INSERT INTO `Groupes` (`idGroupe`, `intitule`) VALUES
-(0, 'Groupe de TP 1'),
-(1, 'Groupe de TP 2'),
-(2, 'Groupe de TP 3');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Membres`
-CREATE TABLE `Membres` (
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idGroupe` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
- `nom` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `prenom` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `adresse` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
- `numero` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Membres`
-INSERT INTO `Membres` (`idCompte`, `idGroupe`, `nom`, `prenom`, `adresse`, `numero`) VALUES
-(0, NULL, 'Upec', 'Fontainebleau', 'Route forestière Hurtault 77300 Fontainebleau', ''),
-(1, NULL, 'Florent', 'Madelaine', NULL, ''),
-(2, 0, 'Bilal', 'Boudjemline', '14 rue Charles Meunier Avon', '');
--- Index pour les tables déchargées
--- Index pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idCompte`),
- ADD KEY `idGrade` (`idGrade`);
--- Index pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idRequete`),
- ADD KEY `idCompte` (`idCompte`);
--- Index pour la table `Grades`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idGrade`);
--- Index pour la table `Groupes`
-ALTER TABLE `Groupes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idGroupe`);
--- Index pour la table `Membres`
-ALTER TABLE `Membres`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idCompte`),
- ADD KEY `idGroupe` (`idGroupe`);
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour les tables déchargées
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Grades`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Groupes`
-ALTER TABLE `Groupes`
--- Contraintes pour les tables déchargées
--- Contraintes pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Comptes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idGrade`) REFERENCES `Grades` (`idGrade`);
--- Contraintes pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Demandes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCompte`) REFERENCES `Comptes` (`idCompte`);
--- Contraintes pour la table `Membres`
-ALTER TABLE `Membres`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Membres_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCompte`) REFERENCES `Comptes` (`idCompte`),
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Membres_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`idGroupe`) REFERENCES `Groupes` (`idGroupe`);
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 694dc9e..0000000
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index 7547f0b..0000000
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diff --git a/out/production/Grup'App/Home.class b/out/production/Grup'App/Home.class
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index 9cb5a40..0000000
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--- a/out/production/Grup'App/assets/info/bdd/gruppapp.sql
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@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
--- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
--- version 5.2.0
--- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
--- Hôte : localhost
--- Généré le : mar. 04 oct. 2022 à 15:55
--- Version du serveur : 10.8.3-MariaDB
--- Version de PHP : 8.1.7
-SET time_zone = "+00:00";
-/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
--- Base de données : `boudjeml`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Comptes`
-CREATE TABLE `Comptes` (
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idGrade` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `utilisateur` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `pass` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Comptes`
-INSERT INTO `Comptes` (`idCompte`, `idGrade`, `utilisateur`, `pass`) VALUES
-(0, 0, 'admin', 'admin'),
-(1, 1, 'prof', 'prof'),
-(2, 2, 'eleve', 'eleve');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Demandes`
-CREATE TABLE `Demandes` (
- `idRequete` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `type` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `contenu` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `quand` date NOT NULL,
- `heure` time NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Grades`
-CREATE TABLE `Grades` (
- `idGrade` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `intitule` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Grades`
-INSERT INTO `Grades` (`idGrade`, `intitule`) VALUES
-(0, 'Administrateur'),
-(1, 'Professeur'),
-(2, 'Eleve');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Groupes`
-CREATE TABLE `Groupes` (
- `idGroupe` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `intitule` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Groupes`
-INSERT INTO `Groupes` (`idGroupe`, `intitule`) VALUES
-(0, 'Groupe de TP 1'),
-(1, 'Groupe de TP 2'),
-(2, 'Groupe de TP 3');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Membres`
-CREATE TABLE `Membres` (
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idGroupe` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
- `nom` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `prenom` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `adresse` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
- `numero` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Membres`
-INSERT INTO `Membres` (`idCompte`, `idGroupe`, `nom`, `prenom`, `adresse`, `numero`) VALUES
-(0, NULL, 'Upec', 'Fontainebleau', 'Route forestière Hurtault 77300 Fontainebleau', ''),
-(1, NULL, 'Florent', 'Madelaine', NULL, ''),
-(2, 0, 'Bilal', 'Boudjemline', '14 rue Charles Meunier Avon', '');
--- Index pour les tables déchargées
--- Index pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idCompte`),
- ADD KEY `idGrade` (`idGrade`);
--- Index pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idRequete`),
- ADD KEY `idCompte` (`idCompte`);
--- Index pour la table `Grades`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idGrade`);
--- Index pour la table `Groupes`
-ALTER TABLE `Groupes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idGroupe`);
--- Index pour la table `Membres`
-ALTER TABLE `Membres`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idCompte`),
- ADD KEY `idGroupe` (`idGroupe`);
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour les tables déchargées
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Grades`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Groupes`
-ALTER TABLE `Groupes`
--- Contraintes pour les tables déchargées
--- Contraintes pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Comptes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idGrade`) REFERENCES `Grades` (`idGrade`);
--- Contraintes pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Demandes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCompte`) REFERENCES `Comptes` (`idCompte`);
--- Contraintes pour la table `Membres`
-ALTER TABLE `Membres`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Membres_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCompte`) REFERENCES `Comptes` (`idCompte`),
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Membres_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`idGroupe`) REFERENCES `Groupes` (`idGroupe`);
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- "name": "BFrame",
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- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnxBMT3DQB+A="
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- "name": "String",
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- },
- "name": "int",
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- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxMT13Eni/c=",
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- "name": "int",
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- "_type": "UMLOperation",
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- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnwwnvm8oxtU="
- },
- "name": "initBFrame",
- "visibility": "protected",
- "parameters": [
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- "_type": "UMLParameter",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxN9W3EwZW0=",
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- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnwwnvm8oxtU="
- },
- "name": "openBFrame",
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- "_type": "UMLParameter",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxQRR3E0OXc=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnxCGG3DcdGE="
- },
- "type": "void",
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- }
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- "_type": "UMLOperation",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxCMMHDiWLQ=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnwwnvm8oxtU="
- },
- "name": "closeBFrame",
- "parameters": [
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- "_type": "UMLParameter",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxRG13E4XZ8=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnxCMMHDiWLQ="
- },
- "type": "void",
- "direction": "return"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLOperation",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxCXC3DoH28=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnwwnvm8oxtU="
- },
- "name": "refreshBFrame",
- "parameters": [
- {
- "_type": "UMLParameter",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxSIYHE7cMg=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnxCXC3DoH28="
- },
- "type": "void",
- "direction": "return"
- }
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- },
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- "_type": "UMLOperation",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxCdonDu4EU=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnwwnvm8oxtU="
- },
- "name": "isVisible",
- "parameters": [
- {
- "_type": "UMLParameter",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxD8OHEFM7o=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnxCdonDu4EU="
- },
- "type": "boolean",
- "direction": "return"
- }
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- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLInterface",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnwx3829S8bk=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "JFrame"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLClass",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnwywJm+Vbz4=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "JFrame"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLObject",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnwz0C2/BioE=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "JFrame"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLObject",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxT0cHFD9lM=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- }
- },
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- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxT7qnFgnHQ=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
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- },
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- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxVUKnGi09o=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "java.sql.*"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxaMvnHXKbc=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "javax.swing.JFrame"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxar1nHyC5M=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "java.awt.GridBagLayout"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxb7y3IOhis=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "javax.swing.SwingUtilities"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxffVHJsz7Y=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "java.sql.Connection"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxgCoXKHWGQ=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "org.mariadb.jdbc.*"
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLPackage",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnxhPunKjncM=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+qBWK6M3Z8Y="
- },
- "name": "java.util.ArrayList"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "_type": "UMLModel",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnwqpdW7nANA=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAFF+h6SjaM2Hec="
- },
- "name": "Model1",
- "ownedElements": [
- {
- "_type": "UMLClassDiagram",
- "_id": "AAAAAAGDnwqpdW7oH+0=",
- "_parent": {
- "$ref": "AAAAAAGDnwqpdW7nANA="
- },
- "name": "ClassDiagram1"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/Grup'App/libs/mariadb-connector.jar b/out/production/Grup'App/libs/mariadb-connector.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 58d75f3..0000000
Binary files a/out/production/Grup'App/libs/mariadb-connector.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/BButton.java b/src/BButton.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a9bb829..0000000
--- a/src/BButton.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* [BButon]
- * Desc: To create a CheckBox fast :)
- * GitHub: https://github.com/lalBi94
- * Created by: Bilal Boudjemline
- * 28/09/2022 at 20:35
- * */
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-public class BButton extends JButton {
- public String title;
- public BButton(String name) {
- super(name);
- this.title = name;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "Button name: " + this.title;
- }
diff --git a/src/BDatabase.java b/src/BDatabase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4533dc2..0000000
--- a/src/BDatabase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* [BDatabase]
- * Desc: To create Operationnal Database Link fast :)
- * GitHub: https://github.com/lalBi94
- * Created by: Bilal Boudjemline
- * 28/09/2022 at 20:35
- * */
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import org.mariadb.jdbc.*;
-// Maitre
-public class BDatabase {
- public String db_host;
- public String db_name;
- public String db_user;
- protected String db_password;
- protected Connection sharedObject;
- protected int current_user;
- public BDatabase() {
- this.db_host = "jdbc:mariadb://dwarves.iut-fbleau.fr/";
- this.db_name = "boudjeml";
- this.db_user = "boudjeml";
- this.db_password = "fcy2u8RXOrfdPIpA";
- try {
- Class.forName("org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver");
- } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- try {
- this.sharedObject = DriverManager.getConnection(this.db_host + this.db_name, this.db_user, this.db_password);
- System.out.println("Success Connected.");
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println("Error with SQL connexion.\n" + e);
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- }
- public ArrayList fetchAll(String request) {
- try {
- ArrayList toReturn = new ArrayList();
- ResultSet rs = this.sharedObject.prepareStatement(request).executeQuery();
- for(int i = 0; rs.next(); i++) {
- toReturn.add(i, String.valueOf(rs.getString(1)));
- }
- System.out.println("Succes: " + request);
- return toReturn;
- } catch(SQLException e) {
- System.out.println("Error with the statement : " + e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public boolean updateRow(String request) {
- try {
- this.sharedObject.prepareStatement(request).executeQuery();
- System.out.println("Succes: " + request);
- return true;
- } catch(SQLException e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public Connection getSharedObject() {
- return this.sharedObject;
- }
- public String getUser() {
- return this.db_user;
- }
- public String getHost() {
- return this.db_host;
- }
- public String getDatabaseName() {
- return this.db_name;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return this.db_host + "\n" + this.db_name + "\n" + this.db_user + "\n";
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/BFrame.java b/src/BFrame.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5340f13..0000000
--- a/src/BFrame.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* [BFrame]
-* Desc: To create Operationnal JFrame fast :)
-* GitHub: https://github.com/lalBi94
-* Created by: Bilal Boudjemline
-* 28/09/2022 at 20:35
-* */
-import javax.swing.JFrame;
-import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
-import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
-import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
-public class BFrame extends JFrame {
- public String title;
- public int location_x = 1;
- public int location_y = 1;
- public int width = 500;
- public int height = 500;
- public boolean isOpen = false;
- public int onClose = 3;
- public BFrame(String titlee, int oC) {
- this.title = titlee;
- this.onClose = oC;
- initBFrame();
- }
- public BFrame(String titlee, int size_x, int size_y, int oC) {
- this.title = titlee;
- this.width = size_x;
- this.height = size_y;
- this.onClose = oC;
- initBFrame();
- }
- public BFrame(String titlee, int loca_x, int loca_y, int size_x, int size_y, int oC) {
- this.title = titlee;
- this.location_x = loca_x;
- this.location_y = loca_y;
- this.width = size_x;
- this.height = size_y;
- this.onClose = oC;
- initBFrame();
- }
- protected void initBFrame() {
- ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("src/assets/img/logo.png");
- this.setTitle(this.title);
- this.setLocation(this.location_x, this.location_y);
- this.setSize(this.width, this.height);
- this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
- this.setIconImage(icon.getImage());
- this.setDefaultCloseOperation(this.onClose);
- }
- public void openBFrame() {
- this.isOpen = true;
- this.setVisible(true);
- }
- public void closeBFrame() {
- this.isOpen = false;
- this.setVisible(false);
- }
- public void refreshBFrame() {
- SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this);
- }
- public boolean isVisible() {
- return this.isOpen;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return this.title + ": is opened";
- }
diff --git a/src/BImage.java b/src/BImage.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 09a74fa..0000000
--- a/src/BImage.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* [BImage]
- * Desc: To create Operationnal JLabel Image fast :)
- * GitHub: https://github.com/lalBi94
- * Created by: Bilal Boudjemline
- * 28/09/2022 at 20:35
- * */
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
-import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class BImage extends JLabel {
- public JLabel image;
- public BImage(String path) throws IOException {
- this.image = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(new File(path))));
- }
- public JLabel getImage() {
- return this.image;
- }
diff --git a/src/BLabel.java b/src/BLabel.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e05332..0000000
--- a/src/BLabel.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* [BLabel]
- * Desc: To create Operationnal JLabel fast :)
- * GitHub: https://github.com/lalBi94
- * Created by: Bilal Boudjemline
- * 28/09/2022 at 20:35
- * */
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-public class BLabel extends JLabel {
- public String title = " ";
- public BLabel(String titleOfLabel) {
- super(titleOfLabel);
- this.title = titleOfLabel;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "JLabel value is: " + this.title;
- }
diff --git a/src/BLayout.java b/src/BLayout.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 176d45c..0000000
--- a/src/BLayout.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-/* [BLayout]
- * Desc: To create a layout fast :)
- * GitHub: https://github.com/lalBi94
- * Created by: Bilal Boudjemline
- * 28/09/2022 at 20:35
- * */
-import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-public class BLayout extends GridBagConstraints {
- public int PositionOnX = 0;
- public int PositionOnY = 0;
- public int takeCaseOnX = 1;
- public int takeCaseOnY = 1;
- public double sizeOnX = 0.0f;
- public double sizeOnY = 0.0f;
- public int padding_top = 1;
- public int padding_left = 1;
- public int padding_bottom = 1;
- public int padding_right = 1;
- public Insets padding = new Insets(this.padding_top, this.padding_left, this.padding_bottom, this.padding_right);
- public int positionOnScreen = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
- public int filler = GridBagConstraints.BASELINE;
- public BLayout() {
- initLayout();
- }
- public BLayout(int positionX, int positionY, int manyCaseX, int manyCaseY, double sizeX,
- double sizeY, Insets pad, int positionOnScreen, int filling) {
- this.PositionOnX = positionX;
- this.PositionOnY = positionY;
- this.takeCaseOnX = manyCaseX;
- this.takeCaseOnY = manyCaseY;
- this.sizeOnX = sizeX;
- this.sizeOnY = sizeY;
- this.padding_top = pad.top;
- this.padding_left = pad.left;
- this.padding_bottom = pad.bottom;
- this.padding_right = pad.right;
- this.padding = pad;
- this.positionOnScreen = positionOnScreen;
- this.filler = filling;
- initLayout();
- }
- private void initLayout() {
- this.gridx = this.PositionOnX;
- this.gridy = this.PositionOnY;
- this.gridheight = this.takeCaseOnX;
- this.gridwidth = this.takeCaseOnY;
- this.weightx = this.sizeOnX;
- this.weighty = this.sizeOnY;
- this.insets = this.padding;
- this.anchor = this.positionOnScreen;
- this.fill = this.filler;
- }
- public void setPositionX(int by) {
- this.PositionOnX = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setPositionY(int by) {
- this.PositionOnY = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setTakeCaseOnX(int by) {
- this.takeCaseOnX = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setTakeCaseOnY(int by) {
- this.takeCaseOnY = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setSizeX(double by) {
- this.sizeOnX = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setSizeY(double by) {
- this.sizeOnY = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setPadding(Insets by) {
- this.padding = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setAnchor(int by) {
- this.positionOnScreen = by;
- initLayout();
- }
- public void setFill(int by) {
- this.filler = by;
- initLayout();
- }
diff --git a/src/Home.java b/src/Home.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e47fda8..0000000
--- a/src/Home.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-import javax.swing.*;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.lang.management.ManagementPermission;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-public class Home extends BFrame implements ActionListener {
- protected BDatabase sharedObject;
- protected BLayout settings = new BLayout();
- protected int grade;
- protected String firstname;
- protected String lastname;
- protected String adress;
- protected String phonenumber;
- protected Home(BDatabase link, int type, String fn, String ln) {
- super(
- "Grup'App - " + fn + " " + ln + " " + "[" + link.current_user + "]",
- 400,
- 400,
- );
- this.firstname = fn;
- this.lastname = ln;
- this.sharedObject = link;
- this.grade = type;
- init();
- if(this.grade == 0) {
- admin();
- } else if(this.grade == 1) {
- prof();
- } else if(this.grade == 2) {
- eleve();
- }
- }
- private void init() {
- this.firstname = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT nom FROM Membres WHERE idCompte=" + this.sharedObject.current_user
- ).get(0);
- this.lastname = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT prenom FROM Membres WHERE idCompte=" + this.sharedObject.current_user
- ).get(0);
- this.adress = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT adresse FROM Membres WHERE idCompte=" + this.sharedObject.current_user
- ).get(0);
- this.phonenumber = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT numero FROM Membres WHERE idCompte=" + this.sharedObject.current_user
- ).get(0);
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Bonjour " + this.firstname + " " + this.lastname + " !");
- }
- private void admin() {
- BLabel[] blank = {
- new BLabel(" "),
- new BLabel(" ")
- };
- BButton maganageGroupe = new BButton("Gestion des groupes");
- this.settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.settings.setPositionY(0);
- this.add(maganageGroupe, this.settings);
- this.settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.add(blank[0], this.settings);
- BButton manageMember = new BButton("Gestion des Membres");
- manageMember.addActionListener(this);
- manageMember.setActionCommand("membergest");
- this.settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.settings.setPositionY(2);
- this.add(manageMember, this.settings);
- this.settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.settings.setPositionY(3);
- this.add(blank[1], this.settings);
- BButton requestMembers = new BButton("Gestion des requetes");
- this.settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.settings.setPositionY(4);
- this.add(requestMembers, this.settings);
- this.openBFrame();
- }
- private void prof() {
- this.openBFrame();
- }
- private void eleve() {
- this.openBFrame();
- }
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- if(e.getActionCommand() == "membergest") {
- ManageStudent goToManageStudent = new ManageStudent(this.sharedObject);
- } else if(e.getActionCommand() == "grupgest") {
- } else if(e.getActionCommand() == "gestrequest") {
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/LoginConnection.java b/src/LoginConnection.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e17cc3a..0000000
--- a/src/LoginConnection.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.sql.Array;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Objects;
-import javax.swing.*;
-public class LoginConnection extends BFrame implements ActionListener {
- protected BInput inUser;
- protected BInput inPasswd;
- public LoginConnection(String title, int x, int y, int mode) throws IOException {
- super(title, x, y, mode);
- BImage logo = new BImage("src/assets/img/logo.png");
- BLayout settings = new BLayout();
- BLabel[] blank = {
- new BLabel(" "),
- new BLabel(" "),
- new BLabel(" ")
- };
- settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.add(logo.getImage(), settings);
- settings.setPositionY(3);
- this.add(blank[0], settings);
- BLabel laUser = new BLabel("Utilisateur");
- settings.setPositionY(4);
- this.add(laUser, settings);
- this.inUser = new BInput(300, 20);
- settings.setPositionY(5);
- this.add(inUser, settings);
- settings.setPositionY(6);
- this.add(blank[1], settings);
- BLabel laPasswd = new BLabel("Mot de passe");
- settings.setPositionY(7);
- this.add(laPasswd, settings);
- this.inPasswd = new BInput(300, 20);
- settings.setPositionY(8);
- this.add(inPasswd, settings);
- settings.setPositionY(9);
- this.add(blank[2], settings);
- BButton login = new BButton("Connexion");
- login.addActionListener(this);
- settings.setPositionY(10);
- this.add(login, settings);
- this.openBFrame();
- this.refreshBFrame();
- }
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- BDatabase init = new BDatabase();
- String pass = inPasswd.getText();
- String user = inUser.getText();
- int grade = -1;
- boolean canConnect = false;
- if(init.fetchAll("SELECT utilisateur FROM Comptes WHERE utilisateur='" + user + "'").size() == 0) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Utilisateur introuvable.");
- } else {
- String username = init.fetchAll("SELECT utilisateur FROM Comptes WHERE utilisateur='" + user + "'").get(0);
- String passwd = init.fetchAll("SELECT pass FROM Comptes WHERE utilisateur='" + user + "'").get(0);
- if(!Objects.equals(passwd, pass)) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Mot de passe incorrect.");
- } else {
- canConnect = true;
- grade = Integer.parseInt(
- init.fetchAll(
- "SELECT idGrade FROM Comptes WHERE utilisateur='" + user + "'").get(0)
- );
- init.current_user = Integer.parseInt(
- init.fetchAll(
- "SELECT idCompte FROM Comptes WHERE utilisateur='" + user + "'").get(0)
- );
- }
- }
- if(canConnect) {
- String firstname = init.fetchAll(
- "SELECT nom FROM Membres WHERE idCompte=" + init.current_user
- ).get(0);
- String lastname = init.fetchAll(
- "SELECT prenom FROM Membres WHERE idCompte=" + init.current_user
- ).get(0);
- Home home = new Home(init, grade, firstname, lastname);
- } else{
- System.out.println("Erreur.");
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/Main.java b/src/Main.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba01a1..0000000
--- a/src/Main.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import javax.swing.*;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
- // test
- BDatabase db = new BDatabase();
- ManageStudent test = new ManageStudent(db);
- //LoginConnection goToLogin = new LoginConnection("Grup'App", 400, 400, JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ManageStudent.java b/src/ManageStudent.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b76aa62..0000000
--- a/src/ManageStudent.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-import javax.swing.*;
-import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.sql.Array;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Objects;
-public class ManageStudent extends BFrame implements ActionListener {
- protected BDatabase sharedObject;
- protected BFrame tempFrame;
- protected BLayout settings;
- protected BInput inSearch;
- protected BButton moveTo;
- protected BButton btnSearch;
- protected BButton addTo;
- protected BButton seeReq;
- protected JList student;
- protected JList grupList;
- protected String[] data;
- protected int tmpForAddGrup;
- protected int tmpForAddGrupWho;
- public ManageStudent(BDatabase so) {
- super("Manageur d'Eleve", 800, 400, JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- this.settings = new BLayout();
- this.sharedObject = so;
- this.settings.setAnchor(GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST);
- this.inSearch = new BInput(150, 30);
- this.settings.setPositionX(0);
- this.settings.setPositionY(0);
- this.add(inSearch, this.settings);
- this.btnSearch = new BButton("Rechercher");
- this.btnSearch.setActionCommand("search");
- this.btnSearch.addActionListener(this);
- this.settings.setPositionX(1);
- this.settings.setPositionY(0);
- this.add(btnSearch, this.settings);
- this.student = refreshList("");
- this.settings.setFill(GridBagConstraints.BOTH);
- this.settings.setPositionX(0);
- this.settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.settings.setSizeX(1.0f);
- this.settings.setSizeY(1.0f);
- this.settings.setTakeCaseOnY(2);
- this.settings.setTakeCaseOnX(2);
- this.add(this.student, this.settings);
- this.settings.setSizeX(1.0f);
- this.settings.setSizeY(1.0f);
- this.settings.setTakeCaseOnY(1);
- this.settings.setTakeCaseOnX(1);
- this.settings.setFill(GridBagConstraints.NONE);
- this.settings.setAnchor(GridBagConstraints.CENTER);
- this.moveTo = new BButton("Deplacer dans un groupe");
- this.moveTo.setActionCommand("move");
- this.moveTo.addActionListener(this);
- this.settings.setPositionX(2);
- this.settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.add(moveTo, this.settings);
- this.addTo = new BButton("Ajouter dans un groupe");
- this.addTo.setActionCommand("add");
- this.addTo.addActionListener(this);
- this.settings.setPositionX(3);
- this.settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.add(addTo, this.settings);
- this.seeReq = new BButton("Voir ses demandes");
- this.settings.setPositionX(4);
- this.settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.add(seeReq, this.settings);
- this.openBFrame();
- this.refreshBFrame();
- }
- protected JList refreshList(String student) {
- ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList<>();
- ArrayList tmp2 = new ArrayList<>();
- ArrayList tmp3 = new ArrayList<>();
- tmp = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT nom FROM Membres WHERE nom LIKE '%" + student + "%'"
- );
- tmp2 = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT prenom FROM Membres WHERE nom LIKE '%" + student + "%'"
- );
- tmp3 = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT idCompte FROM Membres WHERE nom LIKE '%" + student + "%'"
- );
- this.data = new String[tmp.size()];
- for(int i = 0; i <= tmp.size()-1; i++) {
- this.data[i] = "[" + tmp3.get(i) + "] " + tmp.get(i) + " " + tmp2.get(i);
- System.out.println(this.data[i]);
- }
- return new JList<>(this.data);
- }
- protected void addInGrup(int who) {
- this.tmpForAddGrupWho = who;
- this.tempFrame = new BFrame("Choisissez un groupe", 300, 200, JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- BLayout settings = new BLayout();
- ArrayList tmp = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT intitule FROM Groupes"
- );
- String[] grupListTmp = new String[tmp.size()];
- for(int i = 0; i <= tmp.size()-1; i++) {
- grupListTmp[i] = tmp.get(i);
- }
- this.grupList = new JList<>(grupListTmp);
- settings.setPositionY(0);
- this.tempFrame.add(this.grupList, settings);
- BButton btn = new BButton("Ajouter");
- btn.addActionListener(this);
- btn.setActionCommand("addInGrup");
- settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.tempFrame.add(btn, settings);
- this.tempFrame.openBFrame();
- }
- protected void moveToOtherGrup(int who) {
- this.tmpForAddGrupWho = who;
- this.tempFrame = new BFrame("Choissez un groupe", 300, 200, JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- BLayout settings = new BLayout();
- String tmp = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT G.intitule FROM Membres M, Groupes G WHERE M.idCompte=" + who
- ).get(0);
- JLabel tmp2 = new JLabel("Il est actuellement dans : [" + tmp + "]");
- settings.setPositionY(0);
- this.tempFrame.add(tmp2, settings);
- ArrayList gr = this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT intitule FROM Groupes"
- );
- String[] grupListTmp = new String[gr.size()];
- for(int i = 0; i <= gr.size()-1; i++) {
- grupListTmp[i] = gr.get(i);
- }
- this.grupList = new JList<>(grupListTmp);
- settings.setPositionY(1);
- this.tempFrame.add(this.grupList, settings);
- BButton btn = new BButton("Deplacer");
- btn.addActionListener(this);
- btn.setActionCommand("moveToOtherGrup");
- settings.setPositionY(2);
- this.tempFrame.add(btn, settings);
- this.tempFrame.openBFrame();
- }
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- int idCompte = Integer.parseInt(
- this.student.getSelectedValue().charAt(1) + "", 10
- );
- System.out.println(idCompte);
- // ManageStudent's frame
- if(Objects.equals(e.getActionCommand(), "search")) {
- this.add(refreshList(this.inSearch.getText()), this.settings);
- } else if(Objects.equals(e.getActionCommand(), "add")){
- this.addInGrup(idCompte);
- } else if(Objects.equals(e.getActionCommand(), "move")) {
- this.moveToOtherGrup(idCompte);
- }
- // addInGrup's frame
- if(Objects.equals(e.getActionCommand(), "addInGrup")) {
- this.tmpForAddGrup = Integer.parseInt(
- this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT idGroupe FROM Groupes WHERE intitule='" + this.grupList.getSelectedValue() + "'"
- ).get(0), 10
- );
- if(this.sharedObject.updateRow(
- "UPDATE Membres SET idGroupe=" + this.tmpForAddGrup + " WHERE idCompte=" + this.tmpForAddGrupWho)
- ) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "L'ajout a bien ete effectue !");
- } else {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Erreur lors de l'ajout.");
- }
- this.tempFrame.closeBFrame();
- }
- // moveToOtherGrup's frame
- if(Objects.equals(e.getActionCommand(), "moveToOtherGrup")) {
- this.tmpForAddGrup = Integer.parseInt(
- this.sharedObject.fetchAll(
- "SELECT idGroupe FROM Groupes WHERE intitule='" + this.grupList.getSelectedValue() + "'"
- ).get(0), 10
- );
- if(this.sharedObject.updateRow(
- "UPDATE Membres SET idGroupe=" + this.tmpForAddGrup + " WHERE idCompte=" + this.tmpForAddGrupWho)
- ) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Le deplacement a bien ete effectue !");
- } else {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Erreur lors du deplacement.");
- }
- this.tempFrame.closeBFrame();
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/assets/img/logo.ico b/src/assets/img/logo.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index fe047b9..0000000
Binary files a/src/assets/img/logo.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/assets/img/logo.png b/src/assets/img/logo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f12f583..0000000
Binary files a/src/assets/img/logo.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/assets/info/bdd/gruppapp.sql b/src/assets/info/bdd/gruppapp.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a46f1..0000000
--- a/src/assets/info/bdd/gruppapp.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
--- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
--- version 5.2.0
--- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
--- Hôte : localhost
--- Généré le : mar. 04 oct. 2022 à 15:55
--- Version du serveur : 10.8.3-MariaDB
--- Version de PHP : 8.1.7
-SET time_zone = "+00:00";
-/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
--- Base de données : `boudjeml`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Comptes`
-CREATE TABLE `Comptes` (
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idGrade` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `utilisateur` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `pass` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Comptes`
-INSERT INTO `Comptes` (`idCompte`, `idGrade`, `utilisateur`, `pass`) VALUES
-(0, 0, 'admin', 'admin'),
-(1, 1, 'prof', 'prof'),
-(2, 2, 'eleve', 'eleve');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Demandes`
-CREATE TABLE `Demandes` (
- `idRequete` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `type` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `contenu` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `quand` date NOT NULL,
- `heure` time NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Grades`
-CREATE TABLE `Grades` (
- `idGrade` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `intitule` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Grades`
-INSERT INTO `Grades` (`idGrade`, `intitule`) VALUES
-(0, 'Administrateur'),
-(1, 'Professeur'),
-(2, 'Eleve');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Groupes`
-CREATE TABLE `Groupes` (
- `idGroupe` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `intitule` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Groupes`
-INSERT INTO `Groupes` (`idGroupe`, `intitule`) VALUES
-(0, 'Groupe de TP 1'),
-(1, 'Groupe de TP 2'),
-(2, 'Groupe de TP 3');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure de la table `Membres`
-CREATE TABLE `Membres` (
- `idCompte` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `idGroupe` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
- `nom` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `prenom` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
- `adresse` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
- `numero` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
--- Déchargement des données de la table `Membres`
-INSERT INTO `Membres` (`idCompte`, `idGroupe`, `nom`, `prenom`, `adresse`, `numero`) VALUES
-(0, NULL, 'Upec', 'Fontainebleau', 'Route forestière Hurtault 77300 Fontainebleau', ''),
-(1, NULL, 'Florent', 'Madelaine', NULL, ''),
-(2, 0, 'Bilal', 'Boudjemline', '14 rue Charles Meunier Avon', '');
--- Index pour les tables déchargées
--- Index pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idCompte`),
- ADD KEY `idGrade` (`idGrade`);
--- Index pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idRequete`),
- ADD KEY `idCompte` (`idCompte`);
--- Index pour la table `Grades`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idGrade`);
--- Index pour la table `Groupes`
-ALTER TABLE `Groupes`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idGroupe`);
--- Index pour la table `Membres`
-ALTER TABLE `Membres`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY (`idCompte`),
- ADD KEY `idGroupe` (`idGroupe`);
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour les tables déchargées
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Grades`
--- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `Groupes`
-ALTER TABLE `Groupes`
--- Contraintes pour les tables déchargées
--- Contraintes pour la table `Comptes`
-ALTER TABLE `Comptes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Comptes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idGrade`) REFERENCES `Grades` (`idGrade`);
--- Contraintes pour la table `Demandes`
-ALTER TABLE `Demandes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Demandes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCompte`) REFERENCES `Comptes` (`idCompte`);
--- Contraintes pour la table `Membres`
-ALTER TABLE `Membres`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Membres_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCompte`) REFERENCES `Comptes` (`idCompte`),
- ADD CONSTRAINT `Membres_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`idGroupe`) REFERENCES `Groupes` (`idGroupe`);
diff --git a/src/assets/info/model.mdj b/src/assets/info/model.mdj
deleted file mode 100644
index 872f422..0000000
--- a/src/assets/info/model.mdj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3261 +0,0 @@
- "_type": "Project",
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- "name": "Untitled",
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- },
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- "defaultDiagram": true,
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- },
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