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2023-03-05 13:23:23 +01:00
This page contains links to some examples of existing `binding.gyp` files that other node modules are using. Take a look at them for inspiration.
To add to this page, just add the link to the project's `binding.gyp` file below:
* [ons](
* [thmclrx](
* [libxmljs](
* [node-buffertools](
* [node-canvas](
* [node-ffi]( + [libffi](
* [node-time](
* [node-sass]( + [libsass](
* [node-serialport](
* [node-weak](
* [pty.js](
* [ref](
* [appjs](
* [nwm](
* [bcrypt](
* [nk-mysql](
* [nk-xrm-installer]( + [includable.gypi]( + []( + [](
<sub>.py files above provide complete reference for examples of fetching source via http, extracting, and moving files.</sub>
* [node-memwatch](
* [node-ip2location](
* [node-midi](
* [node-sqlite3]( + [libsqlite3](
* [node-zipfile](
* [node-mapnik](
* [node-inotify](
* [v8-profiler](
* [airtunes](
* [node-fann](
* [node-talib](
* [node-leveldown]( + [leveldb.gyp]( + [snappy.gyp](
* [node-expat]( + [libexpat](
* [node-openvg-canvas]( + [node-openvg](
* [node-cryptopp](
* [topcube](
* [node-osmium](
* [node-osrm](
* [node-oracle](
* [node-process-list](
* [node-nanomsg](
* [Ghostscript4JS](
* [nodecv](
* [magick-cli](
* [sharp](
* [krb5](