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2023-03-05 13:23:23 +01:00
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = global || self, global.erre = factory());
}(this, function () { 'use strict';
* Cancel token
* @private
* @type { Symbol }
const CANCEL = Symbol();
* Helper that can be returned by ruit function to cancel the tasks chain
* @returns { Symbol } internal private constant
* @example
* ruit(
* 100,
* num => Math.random() * num
* num => num > 50 ? ruit.cancel() : num
* num => num - 2
* ).then(result => {
* console.log(result) // here we will get only number lower than 50
* })
ruit.cancel = () => CANCEL;
* The same as ruit() but with the arguments inverted from right to left
* @param { * } tasks - list of tasks to process sequentially
* @returns { Promise } a promise containing the result of the whole chain
* @example
* const curry = f => a => b => f(a, b)
* const add = (a, b) => a + b
* const addOne = curry(add)(1)
* const squareAsync = (num) => {
* return new Promise(r => {
* setTimeout(r, 500, num * 2)
* })
* }
* // a -> a + a -> a * 2
* // basically from right to left: 1 => 1 + 1 => 2 * 2
* ruit.compose(squareAsync, addOne, 1).then(result => console.log(result)) // 4
ruit.compose = (...tasks) => ruit(...tasks.reverse());
* Serialize a list of sync and async tasks from left to right
* @param { * } tasks - list of tasks to process sequentially
* @returns { Promise } a promise containing the result of the whole chain
* @example
* const curry = f => a => b => f(a, b)
* const add = (a, b) => a + b
* const addOne = curry(add)(1)
* const squareAsync = (num) => {
* return new Promise(r => {
* setTimeout(r, 500, num * 2)
* })
* }
* // a -> a + a -> a * 2
* // basically from left to right: 1 => 1 + 1 => 2 * 2
* ruit(1, addOne, squareAsync).then(result => console.log(result)) // 4
function ruit(...tasks) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return (function run(queue, result) {
if (!queue.length) return resolve(result)
const [task, ...rest] = queue;
const value = typeof task === 'function' ? task(result) : task;
const done = v => run(rest, v);
// check against nil values
if (value != null) {
if (value === CANCEL) return
if (value.then) return value.then(done, reject)
return Promise.resolve(done(value))
// Store the erre the API methods to handle the plugins installation
const API_METHODS = new Set();
const UNSUBSCRIBE_SYMBOL = Symbol();
const CANCEL_METHOD = 'cancel';
* Factory function to create the stream generator
* @private
* @param {Set} modifiers - stream input modifiers
* @returns {Generator} the stream generator
function createStream(modifiers) {
const stream = (function *stream() {
while (true) {
// get the initial stream value
const input = yield;
// run the input sequence
yield ruit(input, ...modifiers);
// start the stream
return stream
* Dispatch a value to several listeners
* @private
* @param {Set} callbacks - callbacks collection
* @param {*} value - anything
* @returns {Set} the callbacks received
function dispatch(callbacks, value) {
callbacks.forEach(f => {
// unsubscribe the callback if erre.unsubscribe() will be returned
if (f(value) === UNSUBSCRIBE_SYMBOL) callbacks.delete(f);
return callbacks
* Throw a panic error
* @param {string} message - error message
* @returns {Error} an error object
function panic(message) {
throw new Error(message)
* Install an erre plugin adding it to the API
* @param {string} name - plugin name
* @param {Function} fn - new erre API method
* @returns {Function} return the erre function
erre.install = function(name, fn) {
if (!name || typeof name !== 'string')
panic('Please provide a name (as string) for your erre plugin');
if (!fn || typeof fn !== 'function')
panic('Please provide a function for your erre plugin');
if (API_METHODS.has(name)) {
panic(`The ${name} is already part of the erre API, please provide a different name`);
} else {
erre[name] = fn;
return erre
// alias for ruit canel to stop a stream chain
erre.install(CANCEL_METHOD, ruit.cancel);
// unsubscribe helper
* Stream constuction function
* @param {...Function} fns - stream modifiers
* @returns {Object} erre instance
function erre(...fns) {
[success, error, end, modifiers] = [new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(fns)],
generator = createStream(modifiers),
stream = Object.create(generator),
addToCollection = (collection) => (fn) => collection.add(fn) && stream,
deleteFromCollection = (collection) => (fn) => collection.delete(fn) ? stream
: panic('Couldn\'t remove handler passed by reference');
return Object.assign(stream, {
on: Object.freeze({
value: addToCollection(success),
error: addToCollection(error),
end: addToCollection(end)
off: Object.freeze({
value: deleteFromCollection(success),
error: deleteFromCollection(error),
end: deleteFromCollection(end)
connect: addToCollection(modifiers),
push(input) {
const { value, done } = stream.next(input);
// dispatch the stream events
if (!done) {
res => dispatch(success, res),
err => dispatch(error, err)
return stream
end() {
// kill the stream
// dispatch the end event
// clean up all the collections
;[success, error, end, modifiers].forEach(el => el.clear());
return stream
fork() {
return erre(...modifiers)
next(input) {
// get the input and run eventually the promise
const result = generator.next(input);
// pause to the next iteration
return result
return erre;