"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.CodeGenerator = void 0; exports.default = generate; var _sourceMap = require("./source-map"); var _printer = require("./printer"); class Generator extends _printer.default { constructor(ast, opts = {}, code) { const format = normalizeOptions(code, opts); const map = opts.sourceMaps ? new _sourceMap.default(opts, code) : null; super(format, map); this.ast = void 0; this.ast = ast; } generate() { return super.generate(this.ast); } } function normalizeOptions(code, opts) { const format = { auxiliaryCommentBefore: opts.auxiliaryCommentBefore, auxiliaryCommentAfter: opts.auxiliaryCommentAfter, shouldPrintComment: opts.shouldPrintComment, retainLines: opts.retainLines, retainFunctionParens: opts.retainFunctionParens, comments: opts.comments == null || opts.comments, compact: opts.compact, minified: opts.minified, concise: opts.concise, indent: { adjustMultilineComment: true, style: " ", base: 0 }, jsescOption: Object.assign({ quotes: "double", wrap: true, minimal: false }, opts.jsescOption), recordAndTupleSyntaxType: opts.recordAndTupleSyntaxType, topicToken: opts.topicToken }; { format.decoratorsBeforeExport = !!opts.decoratorsBeforeExport; format.jsonCompatibleStrings = opts.jsonCompatibleStrings; } if (format.minified) { format.compact = true; format.shouldPrintComment = format.shouldPrintComment || (() => format.comments); } else { format.shouldPrintComment = format.shouldPrintComment || (value => format.comments || value.includes("@license") || value.includes("@preserve")); } if (format.compact === "auto") { format.compact = code.length > 500000; if (format.compact) { console.error("[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of " + `${opts.filename} as it exceeds the max of ${"500KB"}.`); } } if (format.compact) { format.indent.adjustMultilineComment = false; } return format; } class CodeGenerator { constructor(ast, opts, code) { this._generator = void 0; this._generator = new Generator(ast, opts, code); } generate() { return this._generator.generate(); } } exports.CodeGenerator = CodeGenerator; function generate(ast, opts, code) { const gen = new Generator(ast, opts, code); return gen.generate(); }