import ruit from 'ruit' // Store the erre the API methods to handle the plugins installation const API_METHODS = new Set() const UNSUBSCRIBE_SYMBOL = Symbol() const UNSUBSCRIBE_METHOD = 'off' const CANCEL_METHOD = 'cancel' /** * Factory function to create the stream generator * @private * @param {Set} modifiers - stream input modifiers * @returns {Generator} the stream generator */ function createStream(modifiers) { const stream = (function *stream() { while (true) { // get the initial stream value const input = yield // run the input sequence yield ruit(input, ...modifiers) } })() // start the stream return stream } /** * Dispatch a value to several listeners * @private * @param {Set} callbacks - callbacks collection * @param {*} value - anything * @returns {Set} the callbacks received */ function dispatch(callbacks, value) { callbacks.forEach(f => { // unsubscribe the callback if erre.unsubscribe() will be returned if (f(value) === UNSUBSCRIBE_SYMBOL) callbacks.delete(f) }) return callbacks } /** * Throw a panic error * @param {string} message - error message * @returns {Error} an error object */ function panic(message) { throw new Error(message) } /** * Install an erre plugin adding it to the API * @param {string} name - plugin name * @param {Function} fn - new erre API method * @returns {Function} return the erre function */ erre.install = function(name, fn) { if (!name || typeof name !== 'string') panic('Please provide a name (as string) for your erre plugin') if (!fn || typeof fn !== 'function') panic('Please provide a function for your erre plugin') if (API_METHODS.has(name)) { panic(`The ${name} is already part of the erre API, please provide a different name`) } else { erre[name] = fn API_METHODS.add(name) } return erre } // alias for ruit canel to stop a stream chain erre.install(CANCEL_METHOD, ruit.cancel) // unsubscribe helper erre.install(UNSUBSCRIBE_METHOD, () => UNSUBSCRIBE_SYMBOL) /** * Stream constuction function * @param {...Function} fns - stream modifiers * @returns {Object} erre instance */ export default function erre(...fns) { const [success, error, end, modifiers] = [new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(fns)], generator = createStream(modifiers), stream = Object.create(generator), addToCollection = (collection) => (fn) => collection.add(fn) && stream, deleteFromCollection = (collection) => (fn) => collection.delete(fn) ? stream : panic('Couldn\'t remove handler passed by reference') return Object.assign(stream, { on: Object.freeze({ value: addToCollection(success), error: addToCollection(error), end: addToCollection(end) }), off: Object.freeze({ value: deleteFromCollection(success), error: deleteFromCollection(error), end: deleteFromCollection(end) }), connect: addToCollection(modifiers), push(input) { const { value, done } = // dispatch the stream events if (!done) { value.then( res => dispatch(success, res), err => dispatch(error, err) ) } return stream }, end() { // kill the stream generator.return() // dispatch the end event dispatch(end) // clean up all the collections ;[success, error, end, modifiers].forEach(el => el.clear()) return stream }, fork() { return erre(...modifiers) }, next(input) { // get the input and run eventually the promise const result = // pause to the next iteration return result } }) }