/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const Dependency = require("../Dependency"); const { UsageState } = require("../ExportsInfo"); const HarmonyLinkingError = require("../HarmonyLinkingError"); const InitFragment = require("../InitFragment"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("../Template"); const { countIterable } = require("../util/IterableHelpers"); const { first, combine } = require("../util/SetHelpers"); const makeSerializable = require("../util/makeSerializable"); const propertyAccess = require("../util/propertyAccess"); const { getRuntimeKey, keyToRuntime } = require("../util/runtime"); const HarmonyExportInitFragment = require("./HarmonyExportInitFragment"); const HarmonyImportDependency = require("./HarmonyImportDependency"); const processExportInfo = require("./processExportInfo"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").ReplaceSource} ReplaceSource */ /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").ExportsSpec} ExportsSpec */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").ReferencedExport} ReferencedExport */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").TRANSITIVE} TRANSITIVE */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").UpdateHashContext} UpdateHashContext */ /** @typedef {import("../DependencyTemplate").DependencyTemplateContext} DependencyTemplateContext */ /** @typedef {import("../ExportsInfo")} ExportsInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../ExportsInfo").ExportInfo} ExportInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraphConnection")} ModuleGraphConnection */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraphConnection").ConnectionState} ConnectionState */ /** @typedef {import("../RuntimeTemplate")} RuntimeTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("../WebpackError")} WebpackError */ /** @typedef {import("../util/Hash")} Hash */ /** @typedef {import("../util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** @typedef {"missing"|"unused"|"empty-star"|"reexport-dynamic-default"|"reexport-named-default"|"reexport-namespace-object"|"reexport-fake-namespace-object"|"reexport-undefined"|"normal-reexport"|"dynamic-reexport"} ExportModeType */ const { ExportPresenceModes } = HarmonyImportDependency; const idsSymbol = Symbol("HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency.ids"); class NormalReexportItem { /** * @param {string} name export name * @param {string[]} ids reexported ids from other module * @param {ExportInfo} exportInfo export info from other module * @param {boolean} checked true, if it should be checked at runtime if this export exists * @param {boolean} hidden true, if it is hidden behind another active export in the same module */ constructor(name, ids, exportInfo, checked, hidden) { this.name = name; this.ids = ids; this.exportInfo = exportInfo; this.checked = checked; this.hidden = hidden; } } class ExportMode { /** * @param {ExportModeType} type type of the mode */ constructor(type) { /** @type {ExportModeType} */ this.type = type; // for "normal-reexport": /** @type {NormalReexportItem[] | null} */ this.items = null; // for "reexport-named-default" | "reexport-fake-namespace-object" | "reexport-namespace-object" /** @type {string|null} */ this.name = null; /** @type {ExportInfo | null} */ this.partialNamespaceExportInfo = null; // for "dynamic-reexport": /** @type {Set<string> | null} */ this.ignored = null; // for "dynamic-reexport" | "empty-star": /** @type {Set<string> | null} */ this.hidden = null; // for "missing": /** @type {string | null} */ this.userRequest = null; // for "reexport-fake-namespace-object": /** @type {number} */ this.fakeType = 0; } } const determineExportAssignments = ( moduleGraph, dependencies, additionalDependency ) => { const names = new Set(); const dependencyIndices = []; if (additionalDependency) { dependencies = dependencies.concat(additionalDependency); } for (const dep of dependencies) { const i = dependencyIndices.length; dependencyIndices[i] = names.size; const otherImportedModule = moduleGraph.getModule(dep); if (otherImportedModule) { const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(otherImportedModule); for (const exportInfo of exportsInfo.exports) { if ( exportInfo.provided === true && exportInfo.name !== "default" && !names.has(exportInfo.name) ) { names.add(exportInfo.name); dependencyIndices[i] = names.size; } } } } dependencyIndices.push(names.size); return { names: Array.from(names), dependencyIndices }; }; const findDependencyForName = ( { names, dependencyIndices }, name, dependencies ) => { const dependenciesIt = dependencies[Symbol.iterator](); const dependencyIndicesIt = dependencyIndices[Symbol.iterator](); let dependenciesItResult = dependenciesIt.next(); let dependencyIndicesItResult = dependencyIndicesIt.next(); if (dependencyIndicesItResult.done) return; for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { while (i >= dependencyIndicesItResult.value) { dependenciesItResult = dependenciesIt.next(); dependencyIndicesItResult = dependencyIndicesIt.next(); if (dependencyIndicesItResult.done) return; } if (names[i] === name) return dependenciesItResult.value; } return undefined; }; /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @param {HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency} dep the dependency * @param {string} runtimeKey the runtime key * @returns {ExportMode} the export mode */ const getMode = (moduleGraph, dep, runtimeKey) => { const importedModule = moduleGraph.getModule(dep); if (!importedModule) { const mode = new ExportMode("missing"); mode.userRequest = dep.userRequest; return mode; } const name = dep.name; const runtime = keyToRuntime(runtimeKey); const parentModule = moduleGraph.getParentModule(dep); const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(parentModule); if ( name ? exportsInfo.getUsed(name, runtime) === UsageState.Unused : exportsInfo.isUsed(runtime) === false ) { const mode = new ExportMode("unused"); mode.name = name || "*"; return mode; } const importedExportsType = importedModule.getExportsType( moduleGraph, parentModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule ); const ids = dep.getIds(moduleGraph); // Special handling for reexporting the default export // from non-namespace modules if (name && ids.length > 0 && ids[0] === "default") { switch (importedExportsType) { case "dynamic": { const mode = new ExportMode("reexport-dynamic-default"); mode.name = name; return mode; } case "default-only": case "default-with-named": { const exportInfo = exportsInfo.getReadOnlyExportInfo(name); const mode = new ExportMode("reexport-named-default"); mode.name = name; mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo = exportInfo; return mode; } } } // reexporting with a fixed name if (name) { let mode; const exportInfo = exportsInfo.getReadOnlyExportInfo(name); if (ids.length > 0) { // export { name as name } switch (importedExportsType) { case "default-only": mode = new ExportMode("reexport-undefined"); mode.name = name; break; default: mode = new ExportMode("normal-reexport"); mode.items = [ new NormalReexportItem(name, ids, exportInfo, false, false) ]; break; } } else { // export * as name switch (importedExportsType) { case "default-only": mode = new ExportMode("reexport-fake-namespace-object"); mode.name = name; mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo = exportInfo; mode.fakeType = 0; break; case "default-with-named": mode = new ExportMode("reexport-fake-namespace-object"); mode.name = name; mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo = exportInfo; mode.fakeType = 2; break; case "dynamic": default: mode = new ExportMode("reexport-namespace-object"); mode.name = name; mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo = exportInfo; } } return mode; } // Star reexporting const { ignoredExports, exports, checked, hidden } = dep.getStarReexports( moduleGraph, runtime, exportsInfo, importedModule ); if (!exports) { // We have too few info about the modules // Delegate the logic to the runtime code const mode = new ExportMode("dynamic-reexport"); mode.ignored = ignoredExports; mode.hidden = hidden; return mode; } if (exports.size === 0) { const mode = new ExportMode("empty-star"); mode.hidden = hidden; return mode; } const mode = new ExportMode("normal-reexport"); mode.items = Array.from( exports, exportName => new NormalReexportItem( exportName, [exportName], exportsInfo.getReadOnlyExportInfo(exportName), checked.has(exportName), false ) ); if (hidden !== undefined) { for (const exportName of hidden) { mode.items.push( new NormalReexportItem( exportName, [exportName], exportsInfo.getReadOnlyExportInfo(exportName), false, true ) ); } } return mode; }; class HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency extends HarmonyImportDependency { /** * @param {string} request the request string * @param {number} sourceOrder the order in the original source file * @param {string[]} ids the requested export name of the imported module * @param {string | null} name the export name of for this module * @param {Set<string>} activeExports other named exports in the module * @param {ReadonlyArray<HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency> | Iterable<HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency>} otherStarExports other star exports in the module before this import * @param {number} exportPresenceMode mode of checking export names * @param {HarmonyStarExportsList} allStarExports all star exports in the module * @param {Record<string, any>=} assertions import assertions */ constructor( request, sourceOrder, ids, name, activeExports, otherStarExports, exportPresenceMode, allStarExports, assertions ) { super(request, sourceOrder, assertions); this.ids = ids; this.name = name; this.activeExports = activeExports; this.otherStarExports = otherStarExports; this.exportPresenceMode = exportPresenceMode; this.allStarExports = allStarExports; } /** * @returns {boolean | TRANSITIVE} true, when changes to the referenced module could affect the referencing module; TRANSITIVE, when changes to the referenced module could affect referencing modules of the referencing module */ couldAffectReferencingModule() { return Dependency.TRANSITIVE; } // TODO webpack 6 remove get id() { throw new Error("id was renamed to ids and type changed to string[]"); } // TODO webpack 6 remove getId() { throw new Error("id was renamed to ids and type changed to string[]"); } // TODO webpack 6 remove setId() { throw new Error("id was renamed to ids and type changed to string[]"); } get type() { return "harmony export imported specifier"; } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @returns {string[]} the imported id */ getIds(moduleGraph) { return moduleGraph.getMeta(this)[idsSymbol] || this.ids; } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @param {string[]} ids the imported ids * @returns {void} */ setIds(moduleGraph, ids) { moduleGraph.getMeta(this)[idsSymbol] = ids; } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime * @returns {ExportMode} the export mode */ getMode(moduleGraph, runtime) { return moduleGraph.dependencyCacheProvide( this, getRuntimeKey(runtime), getMode ); } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime * @param {ExportsInfo} exportsInfo exports info about the current module (optional) * @param {Module} importedModule the imported module (optional) * @returns {{exports?: Set<string>, checked?: Set<string>, ignoredExports: Set<string>, hidden?: Set<string>}} information */ getStarReexports( moduleGraph, runtime, exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(moduleGraph.getParentModule(this)), importedModule = moduleGraph.getModule(this) ) { const importedExportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(importedModule); const noExtraExports = importedExportsInfo.otherExportsInfo.provided === false; const noExtraImports = exportsInfo.otherExportsInfo.getUsed(runtime) === UsageState.Unused; const ignoredExports = new Set(["default", ...this.activeExports]); let hiddenExports = undefined; const otherStarExports = this._discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStarExports(moduleGraph); if (otherStarExports !== undefined) { hiddenExports = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < otherStarExports.namesSlice; i++) { hiddenExports.add(otherStarExports.names[i]); } for (const e of ignoredExports) hiddenExports.delete(e); } if (!noExtraExports && !noExtraImports) { return { ignoredExports, hidden: hiddenExports }; } /** @type {Set<string>} */ const exports = new Set(); /** @type {Set<string>} */ const checked = new Set(); /** @type {Set<string>} */ const hidden = hiddenExports !== undefined ? new Set() : undefined; if (noExtraImports) { for (const exportInfo of exportsInfo.orderedExports) { const name = exportInfo.name; if (ignoredExports.has(name)) continue; if (exportInfo.getUsed(runtime) === UsageState.Unused) continue; const importedExportInfo = importedExportsInfo.getReadOnlyExportInfo(name); if (importedExportInfo.provided === false) continue; if (hiddenExports !== undefined && hiddenExports.has(name)) { hidden.add(name); continue; } exports.add(name); if (importedExportInfo.provided === true) continue; checked.add(name); } } else if (noExtraExports) { for (const importedExportInfo of importedExportsInfo.orderedExports) { const name = importedExportInfo.name; if (ignoredExports.has(name)) continue; if (importedExportInfo.provided === false) continue; const exportInfo = exportsInfo.getReadOnlyExportInfo(name); if (exportInfo.getUsed(runtime) === UsageState.Unused) continue; if (hiddenExports !== undefined && hiddenExports.has(name)) { hidden.add(name); continue; } exports.add(name); if (importedExportInfo.provided === true) continue; checked.add(name); } } return { ignoredExports, exports, checked, hidden }; } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @returns {null | false | function(ModuleGraphConnection, RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState} function to determine if the connection is active */ getCondition(moduleGraph) { return (connection, runtime) => { const mode = this.getMode(moduleGraph, runtime); return mode.type !== "unused" && mode.type !== "empty-star"; }; } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @returns {ConnectionState} how this dependency connects the module to referencing modules */ getModuleEvaluationSideEffectsState(moduleGraph) { return false; } /** * Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime for which the module is analysed * @returns {(string[] | ReferencedExport)[]} referenced exports */ getReferencedExports(moduleGraph, runtime) { const mode = this.getMode(moduleGraph, runtime); switch (mode.type) { case "missing": case "unused": case "empty-star": case "reexport-undefined": return Dependency.NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED; case "reexport-dynamic-default": return Dependency.EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED; case "reexport-named-default": { if (!mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo) return Dependency.EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED; /** @type {string[][]} */ const referencedExports = []; processExportInfo( runtime, referencedExports, [], /** @type {ExportInfo} */ (mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo) ); return referencedExports; } case "reexport-namespace-object": case "reexport-fake-namespace-object": { if (!mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo) return Dependency.EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED; /** @type {string[][]} */ const referencedExports = []; processExportInfo( runtime, referencedExports, [], /** @type {ExportInfo} */ (mode.partialNamespaceExportInfo), mode.type === "reexport-fake-namespace-object" ); return referencedExports; } case "dynamic-reexport": return Dependency.EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED; case "normal-reexport": { const referencedExports = []; for (const { ids, exportInfo, hidden } of mode.items) { if (hidden) continue; processExportInfo(runtime, referencedExports, ids, exportInfo, false); } return referencedExports; } default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode ${mode.type}`); } } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @returns {{ names: string[], namesSlice: number, dependencyIndices: number[], dependencyIndex: number } | undefined} exported names and their origin dependency */ _discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStarExports(moduleGraph) { if (!this.otherStarExports) return undefined; const i = "length" in this.otherStarExports ? this.otherStarExports.length : countIterable(this.otherStarExports); if (i === 0) return undefined; if (this.allStarExports) { const { names, dependencyIndices } = moduleGraph.cached( determineExportAssignments, this.allStarExports.dependencies ); return { names, namesSlice: dependencyIndices[i - 1], dependencyIndices, dependencyIndex: i }; } const { names, dependencyIndices } = moduleGraph.cached( determineExportAssignments, this.otherStarExports, this ); return { names, namesSlice: dependencyIndices[i - 1], dependencyIndices, dependencyIndex: i }; } /** * Returns the exported names * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @returns {ExportsSpec | undefined} export names */ getExports(moduleGraph) { const mode = this.getMode(moduleGraph, undefined); switch (mode.type) { case "missing": return undefined; case "dynamic-reexport": { const from = moduleGraph.getConnection(this); return { exports: true, from, canMangle: false, excludeExports: mode.hidden ? combine(mode.ignored, mode.hidden) : mode.ignored, hideExports: mode.hidden, dependencies: [from.module] }; } case "empty-star": return { exports: [], hideExports: mode.hidden, dependencies: [moduleGraph.getModule(this)] }; // falls through case "normal-reexport": { const from = moduleGraph.getConnection(this); return { exports: Array.from(mode.items, item => ({ name: item.name, from, export: item.ids, hidden: item.hidden })), priority: 1, dependencies: [from.module] }; } case "reexport-dynamic-default": { { const from = moduleGraph.getConnection(this); return { exports: [ { name: mode.name, from, export: ["default"] } ], priority: 1, dependencies: [from.module] }; } } case "reexport-undefined": return { exports: [mode.name], dependencies: [moduleGraph.getModule(this)] }; case "reexport-fake-namespace-object": { const from = moduleGraph.getConnection(this); return { exports: [ { name: mode.name, from, export: null, exports: [ { name: "default", canMangle: false, from, export: null } ] } ], priority: 1, dependencies: [from.module] }; } case "reexport-namespace-object": { const from = moduleGraph.getConnection(this); return { exports: [ { name: mode.name, from, export: null } ], priority: 1, dependencies: [from.module] }; } case "reexport-named-default": { const from = moduleGraph.getConnection(this); return { exports: [ { name: mode.name, from, export: ["default"] } ], priority: 1, dependencies: [from.module] }; } default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode ${mode.type}`); } } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @returns {number} effective mode */ _getEffectiveExportPresenceLevel(moduleGraph) { if (this.exportPresenceMode !== ExportPresenceModes.AUTO) return this.exportPresenceMode; return moduleGraph.getParentModule(this).buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule ? ExportPresenceModes.ERROR : ExportPresenceModes.WARN; } /** * Returns warnings * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @returns {WebpackError[]} warnings */ getWarnings(moduleGraph) { const exportsPresence = this._getEffectiveExportPresenceLevel(moduleGraph); if (exportsPresence === ExportPresenceModes.WARN) { return this._getErrors(moduleGraph); } return null; } /** * Returns errors * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @returns {WebpackError[]} errors */ getErrors(moduleGraph) { const exportsPresence = this._getEffectiveExportPresenceLevel(moduleGraph); if (exportsPresence === ExportPresenceModes.ERROR) { return this._getErrors(moduleGraph); } return null; } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph module graph * @returns {WebpackError[] | undefined} errors */ _getErrors(moduleGraph) { const ids = this.getIds(moduleGraph); let errors = this.getLinkingErrors( moduleGraph, ids, `(reexported as '${this.name}')` ); if (ids.length === 0 && this.name === null) { const potentialConflicts = this._discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStarExports(moduleGraph); if (potentialConflicts && potentialConflicts.namesSlice > 0) { const ownNames = new Set( potentialConflicts.names.slice( potentialConflicts.namesSlice, potentialConflicts.dependencyIndices[ potentialConflicts.dependencyIndex ] ) ); const importedModule = moduleGraph.getModule(this); if (importedModule) { const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(importedModule); const conflicts = new Map(); for (const exportInfo of exportsInfo.orderedExports) { if (exportInfo.provided !== true) continue; if (exportInfo.name === "default") continue; if (this.activeExports.has(exportInfo.name)) continue; if (ownNames.has(exportInfo.name)) continue; const conflictingDependency = findDependencyForName( potentialConflicts, exportInfo.name, this.allStarExports ? this.allStarExports.dependencies : [...this.otherStarExports, this] ); if (!conflictingDependency) continue; const target = exportInfo.getTerminalBinding(moduleGraph); if (!target) continue; const conflictingModule = moduleGraph.getModule( conflictingDependency ); if (conflictingModule === importedModule) continue; const conflictingExportInfo = moduleGraph.getExportInfo( conflictingModule, exportInfo.name ); const conflictingTarget = conflictingExportInfo.getTerminalBinding(moduleGraph); if (!conflictingTarget) continue; if (target === conflictingTarget) continue; const list = conflicts.get(conflictingDependency.request); if (list === undefined) { conflicts.set(conflictingDependency.request, [exportInfo.name]); } else { list.push(exportInfo.name); } } for (const [request, exports] of conflicts) { if (!errors) errors = []; errors.push( new HarmonyLinkingError( `The requested module '${ this.request }' contains conflicting star exports for the ${ exports.length > 1 ? "names" : "name" } ${exports .map(e => `'${e}'`) .join(", ")} with the previous requested module '${request}'` ) ); } } } } return errors; } serialize(context) { const { write, setCircularReference } = context; setCircularReference(this); write(this.ids); write(this.name); write(this.activeExports); write(this.otherStarExports); write(this.exportPresenceMode); write(this.allStarExports); super.serialize(context); } deserialize(context) { const { read, setCircularReference } = context; setCircularReference(this); this.ids = read(); this.name = read(); this.activeExports = read(); this.otherStarExports = read(); this.exportPresenceMode = read(); this.allStarExports = read(); super.deserialize(context); } } makeSerializable( HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency, "webpack/lib/dependencies/HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency" ); module.exports = HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency; HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency.Template = class HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependencyTemplate extends ( HarmonyImportDependency.Template ) { /** * @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency for which the template should be applied * @param {ReplaceSource} source the current replace source which can be modified * @param {DependencyTemplateContext} templateContext the context object * @returns {void} */ apply(dependency, source, templateContext) { const { moduleGraph, runtime, concatenationScope } = templateContext; const dep = /** @type {HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency} */ ( dependency ); const mode = dep.getMode(moduleGraph, runtime); if (concatenationScope) { switch (mode.type) { case "reexport-undefined": concatenationScope.registerRawExport( mode.name, "/* reexport non-default export from non-harmony */ undefined" ); } return; } if (mode.type !== "unused" && mode.type !== "empty-star") { super.apply(dependency, source, templateContext); this._addExportFragments( templateContext.initFragments, dep, mode, templateContext.module, moduleGraph, runtime, templateContext.runtimeTemplate, templateContext.runtimeRequirements ); } } /** * @param {InitFragment[]} initFragments target array for init fragments * @param {HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency} dep dependency * @param {ExportMode} mode the export mode * @param {Module} module the current module * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @param {Set<string>} runtimeRequirements runtime requirements * @returns {void} */ _addExportFragments( initFragments, dep, mode, module, moduleGraph, runtime, runtimeTemplate, runtimeRequirements ) { const importedModule = moduleGraph.getModule(dep); const importVar = dep.getImportVar(moduleGraph); switch (mode.type) { case "missing": case "empty-star": initFragments.push( new InitFragment( "/* empty/unused harmony star reexport */\n", InitFragment.STAGE_HARMONY_EXPORTS, 1 ) ); break; case "unused": initFragments.push( new InitFragment( `${Template.toNormalComment( `unused harmony reexport ${mode.name}` )}\n`, InitFragment.STAGE_HARMONY_EXPORTS, 1 ) ); break; case "reexport-dynamic-default": initFragments.push( this.getReexportFragment( module, "reexport default from dynamic", moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).getUsedName(mode.name, runtime), importVar, null, runtimeRequirements ) ); break; case "reexport-fake-namespace-object": initFragments.push( ...this.getReexportFakeNamespaceObjectFragments( module, moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).getUsedName(mode.name, runtime), importVar, mode.fakeType, runtimeRequirements ) ); break; case "reexport-undefined": initFragments.push( this.getReexportFragment( module, "reexport non-default export from non-harmony", moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).getUsedName(mode.name, runtime), "undefined", "", runtimeRequirements ) ); break; case "reexport-named-default": initFragments.push( this.getReexportFragment( module, "reexport default export from named module", moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).getUsedName(mode.name, runtime), importVar, "", runtimeRequirements ) ); break; case "reexport-namespace-object": initFragments.push( this.getReexportFragment( module, "reexport module object", moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).getUsedName(mode.name, runtime), importVar, "", runtimeRequirements ) ); break; case "normal-reexport": for (const { name, ids, checked, hidden } of mode.items) { if (hidden) continue; if (checked) { initFragments.push( new InitFragment( "/* harmony reexport (checked) */ " + this.getConditionalReexportStatement( module, name, importVar, ids, runtimeRequirements ), moduleGraph.isAsync(importedModule) ? InitFragment.STAGE_ASYNC_HARMONY_IMPORTS : InitFragment.STAGE_HARMONY_IMPORTS, dep.sourceOrder ) ); } else { initFragments.push( this.getReexportFragment( module, "reexport safe", moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).getUsedName(name, runtime), importVar, moduleGraph .getExportsInfo(importedModule) .getUsedName(ids, runtime), runtimeRequirements ) ); } } break; case "dynamic-reexport": { const ignored = mode.hidden ? combine(mode.ignored, mode.hidden) : mode.ignored; const modern = runtimeTemplate.supportsConst() && runtimeTemplate.supportsArrowFunction(); let content = "/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ var __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__ = {};\n" + `/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ for(${ modern ? "const" : "var" } __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ in ${importVar}) `; // Filter out exports which are defined by other exports // and filter out default export because it cannot be reexported with * if (ignored.size > 1) { content += "if(" + JSON.stringify(Array.from(ignored)) + ".indexOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__) < 0) "; } else if (ignored.size === 1) { content += `if(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ !== ${JSON.stringify( first(ignored) )}) `; } content += `__WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__] = `; if (modern) { content += `() => ${importVar}[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__]`; } else { content += `function(key) { return ${importVar}[key]; }.bind(0, __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__)`; } runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters); const exportsName = module.exportsArgument; initFragments.push( new InitFragment( `${content}\n/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ ${RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters}(${exportsName}, __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__);\n`, moduleGraph.isAsync(importedModule) ? InitFragment.STAGE_ASYNC_HARMONY_IMPORTS : InitFragment.STAGE_HARMONY_IMPORTS, dep.sourceOrder ) ); break; } default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode ${mode.type}`); } } getReexportFragment( module, comment, key, name, valueKey, runtimeRequirements ) { const returnValue = this.getReturnValue(name, valueKey); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters); const map = new Map(); map.set(key, `/* ${comment} */ ${returnValue}`); return new HarmonyExportInitFragment(module.exportsArgument, map); } getReexportFakeNamespaceObjectFragments( module, key, name, fakeType, runtimeRequirements ) { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject); const map = new Map(); map.set( key, `/* reexport fake namespace object from non-harmony */ ${name}_namespace_cache || (${name}_namespace_cache = ${ RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject }(${name}${fakeType ? `, ${fakeType}` : ""}))` ); return [ new InitFragment( `var ${name}_namespace_cache;\n`, InitFragment.STAGE_CONSTANTS, -1, `${name}_namespace_cache` ), new HarmonyExportInitFragment(module.exportsArgument, map) ]; } getConditionalReexportStatement( module, key, name, valueKey, runtimeRequirements ) { if (valueKey === false) { return "/* unused export */\n"; } const exportsName = module.exportsArgument; const returnValue = this.getReturnValue(name, valueKey); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty); return `if(${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(${name}, ${JSON.stringify( valueKey[0] )})) ${ RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters }(${exportsName}, { ${JSON.stringify( key )}: function() { return ${returnValue}; } });\n`; } getReturnValue(name, valueKey) { if (valueKey === null) { return `${name}_default.a`; } if (valueKey === "") { return name; } if (valueKey === false) { return "/* unused export */ undefined"; } return `${name}${propertyAccess(valueKey)}`; } }; class HarmonyStarExportsList { constructor() { /** @type {HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency[]} */ this.dependencies = []; } /** * @param {HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency} dep dependency * @returns {void} */ push(dep) { this.dependencies.push(dep); } slice() { return this.dependencies.slice(); } serialize({ write, setCircularReference }) { setCircularReference(this); write(this.dependencies); } deserialize({ read, setCircularReference }) { setCircularReference(this); this.dependencies = read(); } } makeSerializable( HarmonyStarExportsList, "webpack/lib/dependencies/HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency", "HarmonyStarExportsList" ); module.exports.HarmonyStarExportsList = HarmonyStarExportsList;