"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Printer = void 0; var tslib_1 = require("tslib"); var assert_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("assert")); var comments_1 = require("./comments"); var lines_1 = require("./lines"); var options_1 = require("./options"); var patcher_1 = require("./patcher"); var types = tslib_1.__importStar(require("ast-types")); var namedTypes = types.namedTypes; var isString = types.builtInTypes.string; var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object; var fast_path_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./fast-path")); var util = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./util")); var PrintResult = function PrintResult(code, sourceMap) { assert_1.default.ok(this instanceof PrintResult); isString.assert(code); this.code = code; if (sourceMap) { isObject.assert(sourceMap); this.map = sourceMap; } }; var PRp = PrintResult.prototype; var warnedAboutToString = false; PRp.toString = function () { if (!warnedAboutToString) { console.warn("Deprecation warning: recast.print now returns an object with " + "a .code property. You appear to be treating the object as a " + "string, which might still work but is strongly discouraged."); warnedAboutToString = true; } return this.code; }; var emptyPrintResult = new PrintResult(""); var Printer = function Printer(config) { assert_1.default.ok(this instanceof Printer); var explicitTabWidth = config && config.tabWidth; config = options_1.normalize(config); // It's common for client code to pass the same options into both // recast.parse and recast.print, but the Printer doesn't need (and // can be confused by) config.sourceFileName, so we null it out. config.sourceFileName = null; // Non-destructively modifies options with overrides, and returns a // new print function that uses the modified options. function makePrintFunctionWith(options, overrides) { options = Object.assign({}, options, overrides); return function (path) { return print(path, options); }; } function print(path, options) { assert_1.default.ok(path instanceof fast_path_1.default); options = options || {}; if (options.includeComments) { return comments_1.printComments(path, makePrintFunctionWith(options, { includeComments: false, })); } var oldTabWidth = config.tabWidth; if (!explicitTabWidth) { var loc = path.getNode().loc; if (loc && loc.lines && loc.lines.guessTabWidth) { config.tabWidth = loc.lines.guessTabWidth(); } } var reprinter = patcher_1.getReprinter(path); var lines = reprinter ? // Since the print function that we pass to the reprinter will // be used to print "new" nodes, it's tempting to think we // should pass printRootGenerically instead of print, to avoid // calling maybeReprint again, but that would be a mistake // because the new nodes might not be entirely new, but merely // moved from elsewhere in the AST. The print function is the // right choice because it gives us the opportunity to reprint // such nodes using their original source. reprinter(print) : genericPrint(path, config, options, makePrintFunctionWith(options, { includeComments: true, avoidRootParens: false, })); config.tabWidth = oldTabWidth; return lines; } this.print = function (ast) { if (!ast) { return emptyPrintResult; } var lines = print(fast_path_1.default.from(ast), { includeComments: true, avoidRootParens: false, }); return new PrintResult(lines.toString(config), util.composeSourceMaps(config.inputSourceMap, lines.getSourceMap(config.sourceMapName, config.sourceRoot))); }; this.printGenerically = function (ast) { if (!ast) { return emptyPrintResult; } // Print the entire AST generically. function printGenerically(path) { return comments_1.printComments(path, function (path) { return genericPrint(path, config, { includeComments: true, avoidRootParens: false, }, printGenerically); }); } var path = fast_path_1.default.from(ast); var oldReuseWhitespace = config.reuseWhitespace; // Do not reuse whitespace (or anything else, for that matter) // when printing generically. config.reuseWhitespace = false; // TODO Allow printing of comments? var pr = new PrintResult(printGenerically(path).toString(config)); config.reuseWhitespace = oldReuseWhitespace; return pr; }; }; exports.Printer = Printer; function genericPrint(path, config, options, printPath) { assert_1.default.ok(path instanceof fast_path_1.default); var node = path.getValue(); var parts = []; var linesWithoutParens = genericPrintNoParens(path, config, printPath); if (!node || linesWithoutParens.isEmpty()) { return linesWithoutParens; } var shouldAddParens = node.extra ? node.extra.parenthesized : false; var decoratorsLines = printDecorators(path, printPath); if (decoratorsLines.isEmpty()) { // Nodes with decorators can't have parentheses, so we can avoid // computing path.needsParens() except in this case. if (!options.avoidRootParens) { shouldAddParens = shouldAddParens || path.needsParens(); } } else { parts.push(decoratorsLines); } if (shouldAddParens) { parts.unshift("("); } parts.push(linesWithoutParens); if (shouldAddParens) { parts.push(")"); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } // Note that the `options` parameter of this function is what other // functions in this file call the `config` object (that is, the // configuration object originally passed into the Printer constructor). // Its properties are documented in lib/options.js. function genericPrintNoParens(path, options, print) { var n = path.getValue(); if (!n) { return lines_1.fromString(""); } if (typeof n === "string") { return lines_1.fromString(n, options); } namedTypes.Printable.assert(n); var parts = []; switch (n.type) { case "File": return path.call(print, "program"); case "Program": // Babel 6 if (n.directives) { path.each(function (childPath) { parts.push(print(childPath), ";\n"); }, "directives"); } if (n.interpreter) { parts.push(path.call(print, "interpreter")); } parts.push(path.call(function (bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "Noop": // Babel extension. case "EmptyStatement": return lines_1.fromString(""); case "ExpressionStatement": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "expression"), ";"]); case "ParenthesizedExpression": // Babel extension. return lines_1.concat(["(", path.call(print, "expression"), ")"]); case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": case "AssignmentExpression": return lines_1.fromString(" ").join([ path.call(print, "left"), n.operator, path.call(print, "right"), ]); case "AssignmentPattern": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "left"), " = ", path.call(print, "right"), ]); case "MemberExpression": case "OptionalMemberExpression": { parts.push(path.call(print, "object")); var property = path.call(print, "property"); // Like n.optional, except with defaults applied, so optional // defaults to true for OptionalMemberExpression nodes. var optional = types.getFieldValue(n, "optional"); if (n.computed) { parts.push(optional ? "?.[" : "[", property, "]"); } else { parts.push(optional ? "?." : ".", property); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "ChainExpression": return path.call(print, "expression"); case "MetaProperty": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "meta"), ".", path.call(print, "property"), ]); case "BindExpression": if (n.object) { parts.push(path.call(print, "object")); } parts.push("::", path.call(print, "callee")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "Path": return lines_1.fromString(".").join(n.body); case "Identifier": return lines_1.concat([ lines_1.fromString(n.name, options), n.optional ? "?" : "", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadElementPattern": case "RestProperty": // Babel 6 for ObjectPattern case "SpreadProperty": case "SpreadPropertyPattern": case "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty": case "RestElement": return lines_1.concat([ "...", path.call(print, "argument"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "FunctionDeclaration": case "FunctionExpression": case "TSDeclareFunction": if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } if (n.async) { parts.push("async "); } parts.push("function"); if (n.generator) parts.push("*"); if (n.id) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } else { if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } } parts.push("(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")", path.call(print, "returnType")); if (n.body) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ArrowFunctionExpression": if (n.async) { parts.push("async "); } if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } if (!options.arrowParensAlways && n.params.length === 1 && !n.rest && n.params[0].type === "Identifier" && !n.params[0].typeAnnotation && !n.returnType) { parts.push(path.call(print, "params", 0)); } else { parts.push("(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")", path.call(print, "returnType")); } parts.push(" => ", path.call(print, "body")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "MethodDefinition": return printMethod(path, options, print); case "YieldExpression": parts.push("yield"); if (n.delegate) parts.push("*"); if (n.argument) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "argument")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "AwaitExpression": parts.push("await"); if (n.all) parts.push("*"); if (n.argument) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "argument")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ModuleDeclaration": parts.push("module", path.call(print, "id")); if (n.source) { assert_1.default.ok(!n.body); parts.push("from", path.call(print, "source")); } else { parts.push(path.call(print, "body")); } return lines_1.fromString(" ").join(parts); case "ImportSpecifier": if (n.importKind && n.importKind !== "value") { parts.push(n.importKind + " "); } if (n.imported) { parts.push(path.call(print, "imported")); if (n.local && n.local.name !== n.imported.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "local")); } } else if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); if (n.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "name")); } } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ExportSpecifier": if (n.local) { parts.push(path.call(print, "local")); if (n.exported && n.exported.name !== n.local.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "exported")); } } else if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); if (n.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "name")); } } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ExportBatchSpecifier": return lines_1.fromString("*"); case "ImportNamespaceSpecifier": parts.push("* as "); if (n.local) { parts.push(path.call(print, "local")); } else if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ImportDefaultSpecifier": if (n.local) { return path.call(print, "local"); } return path.call(print, "id"); case "TSExportAssignment": return lines_1.concat(["export = ", path.call(print, "expression")]); case "ExportDeclaration": case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": case "ExportNamedDeclaration": return printExportDeclaration(path, options, print); case "ExportAllDeclaration": parts.push("export *"); if (n.exported) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "exported")); } parts.push(" from ", path.call(print, "source"), ";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration": parts.push("export as namespace ", path.call(print, "id")); return maybeAddSemicolon(lines_1.concat(parts)); case "ExportNamespaceSpecifier": return lines_1.concat(["* as ", path.call(print, "exported")]); case "ExportDefaultSpecifier": return path.call(print, "exported"); case "Import": return lines_1.fromString("import", options); // Recast and ast-types currently support dynamic import(...) using // either this dedicated ImportExpression type or a CallExpression // whose callee has type Import. // https://github.com/benjamn/ast-types/pull/365#issuecomment-605214486 case "ImportExpression": return lines_1.concat(["import(", path.call(print, "source"), ")"]); case "ImportDeclaration": { parts.push("import "); if (n.importKind && n.importKind !== "value") { parts.push(n.importKind + " "); } if (n.specifiers && n.specifiers.length > 0) { var unbracedSpecifiers_1 = []; var bracedSpecifiers_1 = []; path.each(function (specifierPath) { var spec = specifierPath.getValue(); if (spec.type === "ImportSpecifier") { bracedSpecifiers_1.push(print(specifierPath)); } else if (spec.type === "ImportDefaultSpecifier" || spec.type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { unbracedSpecifiers_1.push(print(specifierPath)); } }, "specifiers"); unbracedSpecifiers_1.forEach(function (lines, i) { if (i > 0) { parts.push(", "); } parts.push(lines); }); if (bracedSpecifiers_1.length > 0) { var lines = lines_1.fromString(", ").join(bracedSpecifiers_1); if (lines.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { lines = lines_1.concat([ lines_1.fromString(",\n").join(bracedSpecifiers_1).indent(options.tabWidth), ",", ]); } if (unbracedSpecifiers_1.length > 0) { parts.push(", "); } if (lines.length > 1) { parts.push("{\n", lines, "\n}"); } else if (options.objectCurlySpacing) { parts.push("{ ", lines, " }"); } else { parts.push("{", lines, "}"); } } parts.push(" from "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "source"), ";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "BlockStatement": { var naked_1 = path.call(function (bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body"); if (naked_1.isEmpty()) { if (!n.directives || n.directives.length === 0) { return lines_1.fromString("{}"); } } parts.push("{\n"); // Babel 6 if (n.directives) { path.each(function (childPath) { parts.push(maybeAddSemicolon(print(childPath).indent(options.tabWidth)), n.directives.length > 1 || !naked_1.isEmpty() ? "\n" : ""); }, "directives"); } parts.push(naked_1.indent(options.tabWidth)); parts.push("\n}"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "ReturnStatement": { parts.push("return"); if (n.argument) { var argLines = path.call(print, "argument"); if (argLines.startsWithComment() || (argLines.length > 1 && namedTypes.JSXElement && namedTypes.JSXElement.check(n.argument))) { parts.push(" (\n", argLines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n)"); } else { parts.push(" ", argLines); } } parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "CallExpression": case "OptionalCallExpression": parts.push(path.call(print, "callee")); if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } if (n.typeArguments) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeArguments")); } // Like n.optional, but defaults to true for OptionalCallExpression // nodes that are missing an n.optional property (unusual), // according to the OptionalCallExpression definition in ast-types. if (types.getFieldValue(n, "optional")) { parts.push("?."); } parts.push(printArgumentsList(path, options, print)); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ObjectExpression": case "ObjectPattern": case "ObjectTypeAnnotation": { var isTypeAnnotation_1 = n.type === "ObjectTypeAnnotation"; var separator_1 = options.flowObjectCommas ? "," : isTypeAnnotation_1 ? ";" : ","; var fields = []; var allowBreak_1 = false; if (isTypeAnnotation_1) { fields.push("indexers", "callProperties"); if (n.internalSlots != null) { fields.push("internalSlots"); } } fields.push("properties"); var len_1 = 0; fields.forEach(function (field) { len_1 += n[field].length; }); var oneLine_1 = (isTypeAnnotation_1 && len_1 === 1) || len_1 === 0; var leftBrace = n.exact ? "{|" : "{"; var rightBrace = n.exact ? "|}" : "}"; parts.push(oneLine_1 ? leftBrace : leftBrace + "\n"); var leftBraceIndex = parts.length - 1; var i_1 = 0; fields.forEach(function (field) { path.each(function (childPath) { var lines = print(childPath); if (!oneLine_1) { lines = lines.indent(options.tabWidth); } var multiLine = !isTypeAnnotation_1 && lines.length > 1; if (multiLine && allowBreak_1) { // Similar to the logic for BlockStatement. parts.push("\n"); } parts.push(lines); if (i_1 < len_1 - 1) { // Add an extra line break if the previous object property // had a multi-line value. parts.push(separator_1 + (multiLine ? "\n\n" : "\n")); allowBreak_1 = !multiLine; } else if (len_1 !== 1 && isTypeAnnotation_1) { parts.push(separator_1); } else if (!oneLine_1 && util.isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "objects") && childPath.getValue().type !== "RestElement") { parts.push(separator_1); } i_1++; }, field); }); if (n.inexact) { var line = lines_1.fromString("...", options); if (oneLine_1) { if (len_1 > 0) { parts.push(separator_1, " "); } parts.push(line); } else { // No trailing separator after ... to maintain parity with prettier. parts.push("\n", line.indent(options.tabWidth)); } } parts.push(oneLine_1 ? rightBrace : "\n" + rightBrace); if (i_1 !== 0 && oneLine_1 && options.objectCurlySpacing) { parts[leftBraceIndex] = leftBrace + " "; parts[parts.length - 1] = " " + rightBrace; } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "PropertyPattern": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "key"), ": ", path.call(print, "pattern"), ]); case "ObjectProperty": // Babel 6 case "Property": { // Non-standard AST node type. if (n.method || n.kind === "get" || n.kind === "set") { return printMethod(path, options, print); } if (n.shorthand && n.value.type === "AssignmentPattern") { return path.call(print, "value"); } var key = path.call(print, "key"); if (n.computed) { parts.push("[", key, "]"); } else { parts.push(key); } if (!n.shorthand || n.key.name !== n.value.name) { parts.push(": ", path.call(print, "value")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "ClassMethod": // Babel 6 case "ObjectMethod": // Babel 6 case "ClassPrivateMethod": case "TSDeclareMethod": return printMethod(path, options, print); case "PrivateName": return lines_1.concat(["#", path.call(print, "id")]); case "Decorator": return lines_1.concat(["@", path.call(print, "expression")]); case "ArrayExpression": case "ArrayPattern": { var elems = n.elements; var len_2 = elems.length; var printed_1 = path.map(print, "elements"); var joined = lines_1.fromString(", ").join(printed_1); var oneLine_2 = joined.getLineLength(1) <= options.wrapColumn; if (oneLine_2) { if (options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push("[ "); } else { parts.push("["); } } else { parts.push("[\n"); } path.each(function (elemPath) { var i = elemPath.getName(); var elem = elemPath.getValue(); if (!elem) { // If the array expression ends with a hole, that hole // will be ignored by the interpreter, but if it ends with // two (or more) holes, we need to write out two (or more) // commas so that the resulting code is interpreted with // both (all) of the holes. parts.push(","); } else { var lines = printed_1[i]; if (oneLine_2) { if (i > 0) parts.push(" "); } else { lines = lines.indent(options.tabWidth); } parts.push(lines); if (i < len_2 - 1 || (!oneLine_2 && util.isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "arrays"))) parts.push(","); if (!oneLine_2) parts.push("\n"); } }, "elements"); if (oneLine_2 && options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push(" ]"); } else { parts.push("]"); } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "SequenceExpression": return lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "expressions")); case "ThisExpression": return lines_1.fromString("this"); case "Super": return lines_1.fromString("super"); case "NullLiteral": // Babel 6 Literal split return lines_1.fromString("null"); case "RegExpLiteral": // Babel 6 Literal split return lines_1.fromString(n.extra.raw); case "BigIntLiteral": // Babel 7 Literal split return lines_1.fromString(n.value + "n"); case "NumericLiteral": // Babel 6 Literal Split // Keep original representation for numeric values not in base 10. if (n.extra && typeof n.extra.raw === "string" && Number(n.extra.raw) === n.value) { return lines_1.fromString(n.extra.raw, options); } return lines_1.fromString(n.value, options); case "BooleanLiteral": // Babel 6 Literal split case "StringLiteral": // Babel 6 Literal split case "Literal": // Numeric values may be in bases other than 10. Use their raw // representation if equivalent. if (typeof n.value === "number" && typeof n.raw === "string" && Number(n.raw) === n.value) { return lines_1.fromString(n.raw, options); } if (typeof n.value !== "string") { return lines_1.fromString(n.value, options); } return lines_1.fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options), options); case "Directive": // Babel 6 return path.call(print, "value"); case "DirectiveLiteral": // Babel 6 return lines_1.fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options)); case "InterpreterDirective": return lines_1.fromString("#!" + n.value + "\n", options); case "ModuleSpecifier": if (n.local) { throw new Error("The ESTree ModuleSpecifier type should be abstract"); } // The Esprima ModuleSpecifier type is just a string-valued // Literal identifying the imported-from module. return lines_1.fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options), options); case "UnaryExpression": parts.push(n.operator); if (/[a-z]$/.test(n.operator)) parts.push(" "); parts.push(path.call(print, "argument")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "UpdateExpression": parts.push(path.call(print, "argument"), n.operator); if (n.prefix) parts.reverse(); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ConditionalExpression": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "test"), " ? ", path.call(print, "consequent"), " : ", path.call(print, "alternate"), ]); case "NewExpression": { parts.push("new ", path.call(print, "callee")); if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } if (n.typeArguments) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeArguments")); } var args = n.arguments; if (args) { parts.push(printArgumentsList(path, options, print)); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "VariableDeclaration": { if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } parts.push(n.kind, " "); var maxLen_1 = 0; var printed = path.map(function (childPath) { var lines = print(childPath); maxLen_1 = Math.max(lines.length, maxLen_1); return lines; }, "declarations"); if (maxLen_1 === 1) { parts.push(lines_1.fromString(", ").join(printed)); } else if (printed.length > 1) { parts.push(lines_1.fromString(",\n") .join(printed) .indentTail(n.kind.length + 1)); } else { parts.push(printed[0]); } // We generally want to terminate all variable declarations with a // semicolon, except when they are children of for loops. var parentNode = path.getParentNode(); if (!namedTypes.ForStatement.check(parentNode) && !namedTypes.ForInStatement.check(parentNode) && !(namedTypes.ForOfStatement && namedTypes.ForOfStatement.check(parentNode)) && !(namedTypes.ForAwaitStatement && namedTypes.ForAwaitStatement.check(parentNode))) { parts.push(";"); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "VariableDeclarator": return n.init ? lines_1.fromString(" = ").join([ path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "init"), ]) : path.call(print, "id"); case "WithStatement": return lines_1.concat([ "with (", path.call(print, "object"), ") ", path.call(print, "body"), ]); case "IfStatement": { var con = adjustClause(path.call(print, "consequent"), options); parts.push("if (", path.call(print, "test"), ")", con); if (n.alternate) parts.push(endsWithBrace(con) ? " else" : "\nelse", adjustClause(path.call(print, "alternate"), options)); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "ForStatement": { // TODO Get the for (;;) case right. var init = path.call(print, "init"); var sep = init.length > 1 ? ";\n" : "; "; var forParen = "for ("; var indented = lines_1.fromString(sep) .join([init, path.call(print, "test"), path.call(print, "update")]) .indentTail(forParen.length); var head = lines_1.concat([forParen, indented, ")"]); var clause = adjustClause(path.call(print, "body"), options); parts.push(head); if (head.length > 1) { parts.push("\n"); clause = clause.trimLeft(); } parts.push(clause); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "WhileStatement": return lines_1.concat([ "while (", path.call(print, "test"), ")", adjustClause(path.call(print, "body"), options), ]); case "ForInStatement": // Note: esprima can't actually parse "for each (". return lines_1.concat([ n.each ? "for each (" : "for (", path.call(print, "left"), " in ", path.call(print, "right"), ")", adjustClause(path.call(print, "body"), options), ]); case "ForOfStatement": case "ForAwaitStatement": parts.push("for "); if (n.await || n.type === "ForAwaitStatement") { parts.push("await "); } parts.push("(", path.call(print, "left"), " of ", path.call(print, "right"), ")", adjustClause(path.call(print, "body"), options)); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "DoWhileStatement": { var doBody = lines_1.concat([ "do", adjustClause(path.call(print, "body"), options), ]); parts.push(doBody); if (endsWithBrace(doBody)) parts.push(" while"); else parts.push("\nwhile"); parts.push(" (", path.call(print, "test"), ");"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "DoExpression": { var statements = path.call(function (bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body"); return lines_1.concat(["do {\n", statements.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"]); } case "BreakStatement": parts.push("break"); if (n.label) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "label")); parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ContinueStatement": parts.push("continue"); if (n.label) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "label")); parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "LabeledStatement": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "label"), ":\n", path.call(print, "body"), ]); case "TryStatement": parts.push("try ", path.call(print, "block")); if (n.handler) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "handler")); } else if (n.handlers) { path.each(function (handlerPath) { parts.push(" ", print(handlerPath)); }, "handlers"); } if (n.finalizer) { parts.push(" finally ", path.call(print, "finalizer")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "CatchClause": parts.push("catch "); if (n.param) { parts.push("(", path.call(print, "param")); } if (n.guard) { // Note: esprima does not recognize conditional catch clauses. parts.push(" if ", path.call(print, "guard")); } if (n.param) { parts.push(") "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "body")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ThrowStatement": return lines_1.concat(["throw ", path.call(print, "argument"), ";"]); case "SwitchStatement": return lines_1.concat([ "switch (", path.call(print, "discriminant"), ") {\n", lines_1.fromString("\n").join(path.map(print, "cases")), "\n}", ]); // Note: ignoring n.lexical because it has no printing consequences. case "SwitchCase": if (n.test) parts.push("case ", path.call(print, "test"), ":"); else parts.push("default:"); if (n.consequent.length > 0) { parts.push("\n", path .call(function (consequentPath) { return printStatementSequence(consequentPath, options, print); }, "consequent") .indent(options.tabWidth)); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "DebuggerStatement": return lines_1.fromString("debugger;"); // JSX extensions below. case "JSXAttribute": parts.push(path.call(print, "name")); if (n.value) parts.push("=", path.call(print, "value")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "JSXIdentifier": return lines_1.fromString(n.name, options); case "JSXNamespacedName": return lines_1.fromString(":").join([ path.call(print, "namespace"), path.call(print, "name"), ]); case "JSXMemberExpression": return lines_1.fromString(".").join([ path.call(print, "object"), path.call(print, "property"), ]); case "JSXSpreadAttribute": return lines_1.concat(["{...", path.call(print, "argument"), "}"]); case "JSXSpreadChild": return lines_1.concat(["{...", path.call(print, "expression"), "}"]); case "JSXExpressionContainer": return lines_1.concat(["{", path.call(print, "expression"), "}"]); case "JSXElement": case "JSXFragment": { var openingPropName = "opening" + (n.type === "JSXElement" ? "Element" : "Fragment"); var closingPropName = "closing" + (n.type === "JSXElement" ? "Element" : "Fragment"); var openingLines = path.call(print, openingPropName); if (n[openingPropName].selfClosing) { assert_1.default.ok(!n[closingPropName], "unexpected " + closingPropName + " element in self-closing " + n.type); return openingLines; } var childLines = lines_1.concat(path.map(function (childPath) { var child = childPath.getValue(); if (namedTypes.Literal.check(child) && typeof child.value === "string") { if (/\S/.test(child.value)) { return child.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } else if (/\n/.test(child.value)) { return "\n"; } } return print(childPath); }, "children")).indentTail(options.tabWidth); var closingLines = path.call(print, closingPropName); return lines_1.concat([openingLines, childLines, closingLines]); } case "JSXOpeningElement": { parts.push("<", path.call(print, "name")); var attrParts_1 = []; path.each(function (attrPath) { attrParts_1.push(" ", print(attrPath)); }, "attributes"); var attrLines = lines_1.concat(attrParts_1); var needLineWrap = attrLines.length > 1 || attrLines.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn; if (needLineWrap) { attrParts_1.forEach(function (part, i) { if (part === " ") { assert_1.default.strictEqual(i % 2, 0); attrParts_1[i] = "\n"; } }); attrLines = lines_1.concat(attrParts_1).indentTail(options.tabWidth); } parts.push(attrLines, n.selfClosing ? " />" : ">"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "JSXClosingElement": return lines_1.concat(["</", path.call(print, "name"), ">"]); case "JSXOpeningFragment": return lines_1.fromString("<>"); case "JSXClosingFragment": return lines_1.fromString("</>"); case "JSXText": return lines_1.fromString(n.value, options); case "JSXEmptyExpression": return lines_1.fromString(""); case "TypeAnnotatedIdentifier": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "annotation"), " ", path.call(print, "identifier"), ]); case "ClassBody": if (n.body.length === 0) { return lines_1.fromString("{}"); } return lines_1.concat([ "{\n", path .call(function (bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body") .indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}", ]); case "ClassPropertyDefinition": parts.push("static ", path.call(print, "definition")); if (!namedTypes.MethodDefinition.check(n.definition)) parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ClassProperty": { if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } var access = n.accessibility || n.access; if (typeof access === "string") { parts.push(access, " "); } if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } if (n.abstract) { parts.push("abstract "); } if (n.readonly) { parts.push("readonly "); } var key = path.call(print, "key"); if (n.computed) { key = lines_1.concat(["[", key, "]"]); } if (n.variance) { key = lines_1.concat([printVariance(path, print), key]); } parts.push(key); if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); } if (n.value) { parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "value")); } parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "ClassPrivateProperty": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "key")); if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); } if (n.value) { parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "value")); } parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ClassDeclaration": case "ClassExpression": if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } if (n.abstract) { parts.push("abstract "); } parts.push("class"); if (n.id) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "id")); } if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } if (n.superClass) { parts.push(" extends ", path.call(print, "superClass"), path.call(print, "superTypeParameters")); } if (n["implements"] && n["implements"].length > 0) { parts.push(" implements ", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "implements"))); } parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TemplateElement": return lines_1.fromString(n.value.raw, options).lockIndentTail(); case "TemplateLiteral": { var expressions_1 = path.map(print, "expressions"); parts.push("`"); path.each(function (childPath) { var i = childPath.getName(); parts.push(print(childPath)); if (i < expressions_1.length) { parts.push("${", expressions_1[i], "}"); } }, "quasis"); parts.push("`"); return lines_1.concat(parts).lockIndentTail(); } case "TaggedTemplateExpression": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "tag"), path.call(print, "quasi")]); // These types are unprintable because they serve as abstract // supertypes for other (printable) types. case "Node": case "Printable": case "SourceLocation": case "Position": case "Statement": case "Function": case "Pattern": case "Expression": case "Declaration": case "Specifier": case "NamedSpecifier": case "Comment": // Supertype of Block and Line case "Flow": // Supertype of all Flow AST node types case "FlowType": // Supertype of all Flow types case "FlowPredicate": // Supertype of InferredPredicate and DeclaredPredicate case "MemberTypeAnnotation": // Flow case "Type": // Flow case "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation": case "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters": case "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation": case "ChainElement": // Supertype of MemberExpression and CallExpression throw new Error("unprintable type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); case "CommentBlock": // Babel block comment. case "Block": // Esprima block comment. return lines_1.concat(["/*", lines_1.fromString(n.value, options), "*/"]); case "CommentLine": // Babel line comment. case "Line": // Esprima line comment. return lines_1.concat(["//", lines_1.fromString(n.value, options)]); // Type Annotations for Facebook Flow, typically stripped out or // transformed away before printing. case "TypeAnnotation": if (n.typeAnnotation) { if (n.typeAnnotation.type !== "FunctionTypeAnnotation") { parts.push(": "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return lines_1.concat(parts); } return lines_1.fromString(""); case "ExistentialTypeParam": case "ExistsTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("*", options); case "EmptyTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("empty", options); case "AnyTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("any", options); case "MixedTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("mixed", options); case "ArrayTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "elementType"), "[]"]); case "TupleTypeAnnotation": { var printed_2 = path.map(print, "types"); var joined = lines_1.fromString(", ").join(printed_2); var oneLine_3 = joined.getLineLength(1) <= options.wrapColumn; if (oneLine_3) { if (options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push("[ "); } else { parts.push("["); } } else { parts.push("[\n"); } path.each(function (elemPath) { var i = elemPath.getName(); var elem = elemPath.getValue(); if (!elem) { // If the array expression ends with a hole, that hole // will be ignored by the interpreter, but if it ends with // two (or more) holes, we need to write out two (or more) // commas so that the resulting code is interpreted with // both (all) of the holes. parts.push(","); } else { var lines = printed_2[i]; if (oneLine_3) { if (i > 0) parts.push(" "); } else { lines = lines.indent(options.tabWidth); } parts.push(lines); if (i < n.types.length - 1 || (!oneLine_3 && util.isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "arrays"))) parts.push(","); if (!oneLine_3) parts.push("\n"); } }, "types"); if (oneLine_3 && options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push(" ]"); } else { parts.push("]"); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "BooleanTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("boolean", options); case "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation": assert_1.default.strictEqual(typeof n.value, "boolean"); return lines_1.fromString("" + n.value, options); case "InterfaceTypeAnnotation": parts.push("interface"); if (n.extends && n.extends.length > 0) { parts.push(" extends ", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "extends"))); } parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "DeclareClass": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "class ", path.call(print, "id"), " ", path.call(print, "body"), ]); case "DeclareFunction": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "function ", path.call(print, "id"), ";", ]); case "DeclareModule": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "module ", path.call(print, "id"), " ", path.call(print, "body"), ]); case "DeclareModuleExports": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "module.exports", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "DeclareVariable": return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["var ", path.call(print, "id"), ";"]); case "DeclareExportDeclaration": case "DeclareExportAllDeclaration": return lines_1.concat(["declare ", printExportDeclaration(path, options, print)]); case "EnumDeclaration": return lines_1.concat([ "enum ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "body"), ]); case "EnumBooleanBody": case "EnumNumberBody": case "EnumStringBody": case "EnumSymbolBody": { if (n.type === "EnumSymbolBody" || n.explicitType) { parts.push(" of ", // EnumBooleanBody => boolean, etc. n.type.slice(4, -4).toLowerCase()); } parts.push(" {\n", lines_1.fromString("\n") .join(path.map(print, "members")) .indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "EnumDefaultedMember": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "id"), ","]); case "EnumBooleanMember": case "EnumNumberMember": case "EnumStringMember": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "id"), " = ", path.call(print, "init"), ",", ]); case "InferredPredicate": return lines_1.fromString("%checks", options); case "DeclaredPredicate": return lines_1.concat(["%checks(", path.call(print, "value"), ")"]); case "FunctionTypeAnnotation": { // FunctionTypeAnnotation is ambiguous: // declare function(a: B): void; OR // const A: (a: B) => void; var parent = path.getParentNode(0); var isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation = !(namedTypes.ObjectTypeCallProperty.check(parent) || (namedTypes.ObjectTypeInternalSlot.check(parent) && parent.method) || namedTypes.DeclareFunction.check(path.getParentNode(2))); var needsColon = isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation && !namedTypes.FunctionTypeParam.check(parent) && !namedTypes.TypeAlias.check(parent); if (needsColon) { parts.push(": "); } var hasTypeParameters = !!n.typeParameters; var needsParens = hasTypeParameters || n.params.length !== 1 || n.params[0].name; parts.push(hasTypeParameters ? path.call(print, "typeParameters") : "", needsParens ? "(" : "", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), needsParens ? ")" : ""); // The returnType is not wrapped in a TypeAnnotation, so the colon // needs to be added separately. if (n.returnType) { parts.push(isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation ? " => " : ": ", path.call(print, "returnType")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "FunctionTypeParam": { var name = path.call(print, "name"); parts.push(name); if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (name.infos[0].line) { parts.push(": "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "GenericTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), ]); case "DeclareInterface": parts.push("declare "); // Fall through to InterfaceDeclaration... case "InterfaceDeclaration": case "TSInterfaceDeclaration": if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } parts.push("interface ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), " "); if (n["extends"] && n["extends"].length > 0) { parts.push("extends ", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "extends")), " "); } if (n.body) { parts.push(path.call(print, "body")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ClassImplements": case "InterfaceExtends": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), ]); case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString(" & ").join(path.map(print, "types")); case "NullableTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.concat(["?", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]); case "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("null", options); case "ThisTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("this", options); case "NumberTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("number", options); case "ObjectTypeCallProperty": return path.call(print, "value"); case "ObjectTypeIndexer": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts.push(printVariance(path, print), "["); if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id"), ": "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "key"), "]: ", path.call(print, "value")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "ObjectTypeProperty": return lines_1.concat([ printVariance(path, print), path.call(print, "key"), n.optional ? "?" : "", ": ", path.call(print, "value"), ]); case "ObjectTypeInternalSlot": return lines_1.concat([ n.static ? "static " : "", "[[", path.call(print, "id"), "]]", n.optional ? "?" : "", n.value.type !== "FunctionTypeAnnotation" ? ": " : "", path.call(print, "value"), ]); case "QualifiedTypeIdentifier": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "qualification"), ".", path.call(print, "id"), ]); case "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options), options); case "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation": case "NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation": assert_1.default.strictEqual(typeof n.value, "number"); return lines_1.fromString(JSON.stringify(n.value), options); case "BigIntLiteralTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString(n.raw, options); case "StringTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("string", options); case "DeclareTypeAlias": parts.push("declare "); // Fall through to TypeAlias... case "TypeAlias": return lines_1.concat([ "type ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), " = ", path.call(print, "right"), ";", ]); case "DeclareOpaqueType": parts.push("declare "); // Fall through to OpaqueType... case "OpaqueType": parts.push("opaque type ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters")); if (n["supertype"]) { parts.push(": ", path.call(print, "supertype")); } if (n["impltype"]) { parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "impltype")); } parts.push(";"); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TypeCastExpression": return lines_1.concat([ "(", path.call(print, "expression"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ")", ]); case "TypeParameterDeclaration": case "TypeParameterInstantiation": return lines_1.concat([ "<", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "params")), ">", ]); case "Variance": if (n.kind === "plus") { return lines_1.fromString("+"); } if (n.kind === "minus") { return lines_1.fromString("-"); } return lines_1.fromString(""); case "TypeParameter": if (n.variance) { parts.push(printVariance(path, print)); } parts.push(path.call(print, "name")); if (n.bound) { parts.push(path.call(print, "bound")); } if (n["default"]) { parts.push("=", path.call(print, "default")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TypeofTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.concat([ lines_1.fromString("typeof ", options), path.call(print, "argument"), ]); case "UnionTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString(" | ").join(path.map(print, "types")); case "VoidTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("void", options); case "NullTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("null", options); case "SymbolTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("symbol", options); case "BigIntTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.fromString("bigint", options); // Type Annotations for TypeScript (when using Babylon as parser) case "TSType": throw new Error("unprintable type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); case "TSNumberKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("number", options); case "TSBigIntKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("bigint", options); case "TSObjectKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("object", options); case "TSBooleanKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("boolean", options); case "TSStringKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("string", options); case "TSSymbolKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("symbol", options); case "TSAnyKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("any", options); case "TSVoidKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("void", options); case "TSThisType": return lines_1.fromString("this", options); case "TSNullKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("null", options); case "TSUndefinedKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("undefined", options); case "TSUnknownKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("unknown", options); case "TSNeverKeyword": return lines_1.fromString("never", options); case "TSArrayType": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "elementType"), "[]"]); case "TSLiteralType": return path.call(print, "literal"); case "TSUnionType": return lines_1.fromString(" | ").join(path.map(print, "types")); case "TSIntersectionType": return lines_1.fromString(" & ").join(path.map(print, "types")); case "TSConditionalType": parts.push(path.call(print, "checkType"), " extends ", path.call(print, "extendsType"), " ? ", path.call(print, "trueType"), " : ", path.call(print, "falseType")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSInferType": parts.push("infer ", path.call(print, "typeParameter")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSParenthesizedType": return lines_1.concat(["(", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ")"]); case "TSFunctionType": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ") => ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation", "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "TSConstructorType": return lines_1.concat([ "new ", path.call(print, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ") => ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation", "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "TSMappedType": { parts.push(n.readonly ? "readonly " : "", "[", path.call(print, "typeParameter"), "]", n.optional ? "?" : ""); if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(": ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ";"); } return lines_1.concat(["{\n", lines_1.concat(parts).indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"]); } case "TSTupleType": return lines_1.concat([ "[", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "elementTypes")), "]", ]); case "TSNamedTupleMember": parts.push(path.call(print, "label")); if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } parts.push(": ", path.call(print, "elementType")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSRestType": return lines_1.concat(["...", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]); case "TSOptionalType": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), "?"]); case "TSIndexedAccessType": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "objectType"), "[", path.call(print, "indexType"), "]", ]); case "TSTypeOperator": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "operator"), " ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "TSTypeLiteral": { var memberLines = lines_1.fromString(",\n").join(path.map(print, "members")); if (memberLines.isEmpty()) { return lines_1.fromString("{}", options); } parts.push("{\n", memberLines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "TSEnumMember": parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); if (n.initializer) { parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "initializer")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSTypeQuery": return lines_1.concat(["typeof ", path.call(print, "exprName")]); case "TSParameterProperty": if (n.accessibility) { parts.push(n.accessibility, " "); } if (n.export) { parts.push("export "); } if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } if (n.readonly) { parts.push("readonly "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "parameter")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSTypeReference": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "typeName"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), ]); case "TSQualifiedName": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "left"), ".", path.call(print, "right")]); case "TSAsExpression": { var expression = path.call(print, "expression"); parts.push(expression, lines_1.fromString(" as "), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "TSNonNullExpression": return lines_1.concat([path.call(print, "expression"), "!"]); case "TSTypeAnnotation": return lines_1.concat([": ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]); case "TSIndexSignature": return lines_1.concat([ n.readonly ? "readonly " : "", "[", path.map(print, "parameters"), "]", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "TSPropertySignature": parts.push(printVariance(path, print), n.readonly ? "readonly " : ""); if (n.computed) { parts.push("[", path.call(print, "key"), "]"); } else { parts.push(path.call(print, "key")); } parts.push(n.optional ? "?" : "", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSMethodSignature": if (n.computed) { parts.push("[", path.call(print, "key"), "]"); } else { parts.push(path.call(print, "key")); } if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSTypePredicate": if (n.asserts) { parts.push("asserts "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "parameterName")); if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(" is ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation", "typeAnnotation")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSCallSignatureDeclaration": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ]); case "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration": if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push("new", path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } else { parts.push("new "); } parts.push("(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSTypeAliasDeclaration": return lines_1.concat([ n.declare ? "declare " : "", "type ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), " = ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ";", ]); case "TSTypeParameter": { parts.push(path.call(print, "name")); // ambiguous because of TSMappedType var parent = path.getParentNode(0); var isInMappedType = namedTypes.TSMappedType.check(parent); if (n.constraint) { parts.push(isInMappedType ? " in " : " extends ", path.call(print, "constraint")); } if (n["default"]) { parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "default")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "TSTypeAssertion": { parts.push("<", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), "> ", path.call(print, "expression")); return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "TSTypeParameterDeclaration": case "TSTypeParameterInstantiation": return lines_1.concat([ "<", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "params")), ">", ]); case "TSEnumDeclaration": { parts.push(n.declare ? "declare " : "", n.const ? "const " : "", "enum ", path.call(print, "id")); var memberLines = lines_1.fromString(",\n").join(path.map(print, "members")); if (memberLines.isEmpty()) { parts.push(" {}"); } else { parts.push(" {\n", memberLines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments": return lines_1.concat([ path.call(print, "expression"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), ]); case "TSInterfaceBody": { var lines = lines_1.fromString(";\n").join(path.map(print, "body")); if (lines.isEmpty()) { return lines_1.fromString("{}", options); } return lines_1.concat(["{\n", lines.indent(options.tabWidth), ";", "\n}"]); } case "TSImportType": parts.push("import(", path.call(print, "argument"), ")"); if (n.qualifier) { parts.push(".", path.call(print, "qualifier")); } if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } return lines_1.concat(parts); case "TSImportEqualsDeclaration": if (n.isExport) { parts.push("export "); } parts.push("import ", path.call(print, "id"), " = ", path.call(print, "moduleReference")); return maybeAddSemicolon(lines_1.concat(parts)); case "TSExternalModuleReference": return lines_1.concat(["require(", path.call(print, "expression"), ")"]); case "TSModuleDeclaration": { var parent = path.getParentNode(); if (parent.type === "TSModuleDeclaration") { parts.push("."); } else { if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } if (!n.global) { var isExternal = n.id.type === "StringLiteral" || (n.id.type === "Literal" && typeof n.id.value === "string"); if (isExternal) { parts.push("module "); } else if (n.loc && n.loc.lines && n.id.loc) { var prefix = n.loc.lines.sliceString(n.loc.start, n.id.loc.start); // These keywords are fundamentally ambiguous in the // Babylon parser, and not reflected in the AST, so // the best we can do is to match the original code, // when possible. if (prefix.indexOf("module") >= 0) { parts.push("module "); } else { parts.push("namespace "); } } else { parts.push("namespace "); } } } parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); if (n.body && n.body.type === "TSModuleDeclaration") { parts.push(path.call(print, "body")); } else if (n.body) { var bodyLines = path.call(print, "body"); if (bodyLines.isEmpty()) { parts.push(" {}"); } else { parts.push(" {\n", bodyLines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); } } return lines_1.concat(parts); } case "TSModuleBlock": return path.call(function (bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body"); // Unhandled types below. If encountered, nodes of these types should // be either left alone or desugared into AST types that are fully // supported by the pretty-printer. case "ClassHeritage": // TODO case "ComprehensionBlock": // TODO case "ComprehensionExpression": // TODO case "Glob": // TODO case "GeneratorExpression": // TODO case "LetStatement": // TODO case "LetExpression": // TODO case "GraphExpression": // TODO case "GraphIndexExpression": // TODO case "XMLDefaultDeclaration": case "XMLAnyName": case "XMLQualifiedIdentifier": case "XMLFunctionQualifiedIdentifier": case "XMLAttributeSelector": case "XMLFilterExpression": case "XML": case "XMLElement": case "XMLList": case "XMLEscape": case "XMLText": case "XMLStartTag": case "XMLEndTag": case "XMLPointTag": case "XMLName": case "XMLAttribute": case "XMLCdata": case "XMLComment": case "XMLProcessingInstruction": default: debugger; throw new Error("unknown type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); } } function printDecorators(path, printPath) { var parts = []; var node = path.getValue(); if (node.decorators && node.decorators.length > 0 && // If the parent node is an export declaration, it will be // responsible for printing node.decorators. !util.getParentExportDeclaration(path)) { path.each(function (decoratorPath) { parts.push(printPath(decoratorPath), "\n"); }, "decorators"); } else if (util.isExportDeclaration(node) && node.declaration && node.declaration.decorators) { // Export declarations are responsible for printing any decorators // that logically apply to node.declaration. path.each(function (decoratorPath) { parts.push(printPath(decoratorPath), "\n"); }, "declaration", "decorators"); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } function printStatementSequence(path, options, print) { var filtered = []; var sawComment = false; var sawStatement = false; path.each(function (stmtPath) { var stmt = stmtPath.getValue(); // Just in case the AST has been modified to contain falsy // "statements," it's safer simply to skip them. if (!stmt) { return; } // Skip printing EmptyStatement nodes to avoid leaving stray // semicolons lying around. if (stmt.type === "EmptyStatement" && !(stmt.comments && stmt.comments.length > 0)) { return; } if (namedTypes.Comment.check(stmt)) { // The pretty printer allows a dangling Comment node to act as // a Statement when the Comment can't be attached to any other // non-Comment node in the tree. sawComment = true; } else if (namedTypes.Statement.check(stmt)) { sawStatement = true; } else { // When the pretty printer encounters a string instead of an // AST node, it just prints the string. This behavior can be // useful for fine-grained formatting decisions like inserting // blank lines. isString.assert(stmt); } // We can't hang onto stmtPath outside of this function, because // it's just a reference to a mutable FastPath object, so we have // to go ahead and print it here. filtered.push({ node: stmt, printed: print(stmtPath), }); }); if (sawComment) { assert_1.default.strictEqual(sawStatement, false, "Comments may appear as statements in otherwise empty statement " + "lists, but may not coexist with non-Comment nodes."); } var prevTrailingSpace = null; var len = filtered.length; var parts = []; filtered.forEach(function (info, i) { var printed = info.printed; var stmt = info.node; var multiLine = printed.length > 1; var notFirst = i > 0; var notLast = i < len - 1; var leadingSpace; var trailingSpace; var lines = stmt && stmt.loc && stmt.loc.lines; var trueLoc = lines && options.reuseWhitespace && util.getTrueLoc(stmt, lines); if (notFirst) { if (trueLoc) { var beforeStart = lines.skipSpaces(trueLoc.start, true); var beforeStartLine = beforeStart ? beforeStart.line : 1; var leadingGap = trueLoc.start.line - beforeStartLine; leadingSpace = Array(leadingGap + 1).join("\n"); } else { leadingSpace = multiLine ? "\n\n" : "\n"; } } else { leadingSpace = ""; } if (notLast) { if (trueLoc) { var afterEnd = lines.skipSpaces(trueLoc.end); var afterEndLine = afterEnd ? afterEnd.line : lines.length; var trailingGap = afterEndLine - trueLoc.end.line; trailingSpace = Array(trailingGap + 1).join("\n"); } else { trailingSpace = multiLine ? "\n\n" : "\n"; } } else { trailingSpace = ""; } parts.push(maxSpace(prevTrailingSpace, leadingSpace), printed); if (notLast) { prevTrailingSpace = trailingSpace; } else if (trailingSpace) { parts.push(trailingSpace); } }); return lines_1.concat(parts); } function maxSpace(s1, s2) { if (!s1 && !s2) { return lines_1.fromString(""); } if (!s1) { return lines_1.fromString(s2); } if (!s2) { return lines_1.fromString(s1); } var spaceLines1 = lines_1.fromString(s1); var spaceLines2 = lines_1.fromString(s2); if (spaceLines2.length > spaceLines1.length) { return spaceLines2; } return spaceLines1; } function printMethod(path, options, print) { var node = path.getNode(); var kind = node.kind; var parts = []; var nodeValue = node.value; if (!namedTypes.FunctionExpression.check(nodeValue)) { nodeValue = node; } var access = node.accessibility || node.access; if (typeof access === "string") { parts.push(access, " "); } if (node.static) { parts.push("static "); } if (node.abstract) { parts.push("abstract "); } if (node.readonly) { parts.push("readonly "); } if (nodeValue.async) { parts.push("async "); } if (nodeValue.generator) { parts.push("*"); } if (kind === "get" || kind === "set") { parts.push(kind, " "); } var key = path.call(print, "key"); if (node.computed) { key = lines_1.concat(["[", key, "]"]); } parts.push(key); if (node.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (node === nodeValue) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")", path.call(print, "returnType")); if (node.body) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body")); } else { parts.push(";"); } } else { parts.push(path.call(print, "value", "typeParameters"), "(", path.call(function (valuePath) { return printFunctionParams(valuePath, options, print); }, "value"), ")", path.call(print, "value", "returnType")); if (nodeValue.body) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "value", "body")); } else { parts.push(";"); } } return lines_1.concat(parts); } function printArgumentsList(path, options, print) { var printed = path.map(print, "arguments"); var trailingComma = util.isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "parameters"); var joined = lines_1.fromString(", ").join(printed); if (joined.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { joined = lines_1.fromString(",\n").join(printed); return lines_1.concat([ "(\n", joined.indent(options.tabWidth), trailingComma ? ",\n)" : "\n)", ]); } return lines_1.concat(["(", joined, ")"]); } function printFunctionParams(path, options, print) { var fun = path.getValue(); var params; var printed = []; if (fun.params) { params = fun.params; printed = path.map(print, "params"); } else if (fun.parameters) { params = fun.parameters; printed = path.map(print, "parameters"); } if (fun.defaults) { path.each(function (defExprPath) { var i = defExprPath.getName(); var p = printed[i]; if (p && defExprPath.getValue()) { printed[i] = lines_1.concat([p, " = ", print(defExprPath)]); } }, "defaults"); } if (fun.rest) { printed.push(lines_1.concat(["...", path.call(print, "rest")])); } var joined = lines_1.fromString(", ").join(printed); if (joined.length > 1 || joined.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { joined = lines_1.fromString(",\n").join(printed); if (util.isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "parameters") && !fun.rest && params[params.length - 1].type !== "RestElement") { joined = lines_1.concat([joined, ",\n"]); } else { joined = lines_1.concat([joined, "\n"]); } return lines_1.concat(["\n", joined.indent(options.tabWidth)]); } return joined; } function printExportDeclaration(path, options, print) { var decl = path.getValue(); var parts = ["export "]; if (decl.exportKind && decl.exportKind === "type") { if (!decl.declaration) { parts.push("type "); } } var shouldPrintSpaces = options.objectCurlySpacing; namedTypes.Declaration.assert(decl); if (decl["default"] || decl.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { parts.push("default "); } if (decl.declaration) { parts.push(path.call(print, "declaration")); } else if (decl.specifiers) { if (decl.specifiers.length === 1 && decl.specifiers[0].type === "ExportBatchSpecifier") { parts.push("*"); } else if (decl.specifiers.length === 0) { parts.push("{}"); } else if (decl.specifiers[0].type === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { var unbracedSpecifiers_2 = []; var bracedSpecifiers_2 = []; path.each(function (specifierPath) { var spec = specifierPath.getValue(); if (spec.type === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { unbracedSpecifiers_2.push(print(specifierPath)); } else { bracedSpecifiers_2.push(print(specifierPath)); } }, "specifiers"); unbracedSpecifiers_2.forEach(function (lines, i) { if (i > 0) { parts.push(", "); } parts.push(lines); }); if (bracedSpecifiers_2.length > 0) { var lines_2 = lines_1.fromString(", ").join(bracedSpecifiers_2); if (lines_2.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { lines_2 = lines_1.concat([ lines_1.fromString(",\n").join(bracedSpecifiers_2).indent(options.tabWidth), ",", ]); } if (unbracedSpecifiers_2.length > 0) { parts.push(", "); } if (lines_2.length > 1) { parts.push("{\n", lines_2, "\n}"); } else if (options.objectCurlySpacing) { parts.push("{ ", lines_2, " }"); } else { parts.push("{", lines_2, "}"); } } } else { parts.push(shouldPrintSpaces ? "{ " : "{", lines_1.fromString(", ").join(path.map(print, "specifiers")), shouldPrintSpaces ? " }" : "}"); } if (decl.source) { parts.push(" from ", path.call(print, "source")); } } var lines = lines_1.concat(parts); if (lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines) !== ";" && !(decl.declaration && (decl.declaration.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "ClassDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "TSModuleDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "TSInterfaceDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "TSEnumDeclaration"))) { lines = lines_1.concat([lines, ";"]); } return lines; } function printFlowDeclaration(path, parts) { var parentExportDecl = util.getParentExportDeclaration(path); if (parentExportDecl) { assert_1.default.strictEqual(parentExportDecl.type, "DeclareExportDeclaration"); } else { // If the parent node has type DeclareExportDeclaration, then it // will be responsible for printing the "declare" token. Otherwise // it needs to be printed with this non-exported declaration node. parts.unshift("declare "); } return lines_1.concat(parts); } function printVariance(path, print) { return path.call(function (variancePath) { var value = variancePath.getValue(); if (value) { if (value === "plus") { return lines_1.fromString("+"); } if (value === "minus") { return lines_1.fromString("-"); } return print(variancePath); } return lines_1.fromString(""); }, "variance"); } function adjustClause(clause, options) { if (clause.length > 1) return lines_1.concat([" ", clause]); return lines_1.concat(["\n", maybeAddSemicolon(clause).indent(options.tabWidth)]); } function lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines) { var pos = lines.lastPos(); do { var ch = lines.charAt(pos); if (/\S/.test(ch)) return ch; } while (lines.prevPos(pos)); } function endsWithBrace(lines) { return lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines) === "}"; } function swapQuotes(str) { return str.replace(/['"]/g, function (m) { return (m === '"' ? "'" : '"'); }); } function nodeStr(str, options) { isString.assert(str); switch (options.quote) { case "auto": { var double = JSON.stringify(str); var single = swapQuotes(JSON.stringify(swapQuotes(str))); return double.length > single.length ? single : double; } case "single": return swapQuotes(JSON.stringify(swapQuotes(str))); case "double": default: return JSON.stringify(str); } } function maybeAddSemicolon(lines) { var eoc = lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines); if (!eoc || "\n};".indexOf(eoc) < 0) return lines_1.concat([lines, ";"]); return lines; }