#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; /** * Contains CLI entry point and public API for programmatic usage in Node.js. * - Option parsing is handled by {@link https://npm.im/yargs yargs}. * - If executed via `node`, this module will run {@linkcode module:lib/cli.main main()}. * @public * @module lib/cli */ const debug = require('debug')('mocha:cli:cli'); const symbols = require('log-symbols'); const yargs = require('yargs/yargs'); const path = require('path'); const { loadRc, loadPkgRc, loadOptions, YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG } = require('./options'); const lookupFiles = require('./lookup-files'); const commands = require('./commands'); const ansi = require('ansi-colors'); const {repository, homepage, version, gitter} = require('../../package.json'); const {cwd} = require('../utils'); /** * - Accepts an `Array` of arguments * - Modifies {@link https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_module_paths Node.js' search path} for easy loading of consumer modules * - Sets {@linkcode https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_error_stacktracelimit Error.stackTraceLimit} to `Infinity` * @public * @summary Mocha's main command-line entry-point. * @param {string[]} argv - Array of arguments to parse, or by default the lovely `process.argv.slice(2)` */ exports.main = (argv = process.argv.slice(2)) => { debug('entered main with raw args', argv); // ensure we can require() from current working directory if (typeof module.paths !== 'undefined') { module.paths.push(cwd(), path.resolve('node_modules')); } Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; // configurable via --stack-trace-limit? var args = loadOptions(argv); yargs() .scriptName('mocha') .command(commands.run) .command(commands.init) .updateStrings({ 'Positionals:': 'Positional Arguments', 'Options:': 'Other Options', 'Commands:': 'Commands' }) .fail((msg, err, yargs) => { debug('caught error sometime before command handler: %O', err); yargs.showHelp(); console.error(`\n${symbols.error} ${ansi.red('ERROR:')} ${msg}`); process.exitCode = 1; }) .help('help', 'Show usage information & exit') .alias('help', 'h') .version('version', 'Show version number & exit', version) .alias('version', 'V') .wrap(process.stdout.columns ? Math.min(process.stdout.columns, 80) : 80) .epilog( `Mocha Resources Chat: ${ansi.magenta(gitter)} GitHub: ${ansi.blue(repository.url)} Docs: ${ansi.yellow(homepage)} ` ) .parserConfiguration(YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG) .config(args) .parse(args._); }; exports.lookupFiles = lookupFiles; exports.loadOptions = loadOptions; exports.loadPkgRc = loadPkgRc; exports.loadRc = loadRc; // allow direct execution if (require.main === module) { exports.main(); }