/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const parseJson = require("json-parse-even-better-errors"); const { getContext, runLoaders } = require("loader-runner"); const querystring = require("querystring"); const { HookMap, SyncHook, AsyncSeriesBailHook } = require("tapable"); const { CachedSource, OriginalSource, RawSource, SourceMapSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const Compilation = require("./Compilation"); const HookWebpackError = require("./HookWebpackError"); const Module = require("./Module"); const ModuleBuildError = require("./ModuleBuildError"); const ModuleError = require("./ModuleError"); const ModuleGraphConnection = require("./ModuleGraphConnection"); const ModuleParseError = require("./ModuleParseError"); const ModuleWarning = require("./ModuleWarning"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals"); const UnhandledSchemeError = require("./UnhandledSchemeError"); const WebpackError = require("./WebpackError"); const formatLocation = require("./formatLocation"); const LazySet = require("./util/LazySet"); const { isSubset } = require("./util/SetHelpers"); const { getScheme } = require("./util/URLAbsoluteSpecifier"); const { compareLocations, concatComparators, compareSelect, keepOriginalOrder } = require("./util/comparators"); const createHash = require("./util/createHash"); const { createFakeHook } = require("./util/deprecation"); const { join } = require("./util/fs"); const { contextify, absolutify, makePathsRelative } = require("./util/identifier"); const makeSerializable = require("./util/makeSerializable"); const memoize = require("./util/memoize"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/LoaderContext").NormalModuleLoaderContext} NormalModuleLoaderContext */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").Mode} Mode */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").ResolveOptions} ResolveOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptionsNormalized} WebpackOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./Dependency").UpdateHashContext} UpdateHashContext */ /** @typedef {import("./DependencyTemplates")} DependencyTemplates */ /** @typedef {import("./Generator")} Generator */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").CodeGenerationContext} CodeGenerationContext */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").CodeGenerationResult} CodeGenerationResult */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext} ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").LibIdentOptions} LibIdentOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").NeedBuildContext} NeedBuildContext */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraphConnection").ConnectionState} ConnectionState */ /** @typedef {import("./NormalModuleFactory")} NormalModuleFactory */ /** @typedef {import("./Parser")} Parser */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {import("./ResolverFactory").ResolverWithOptions} ResolverWithOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./RuntimeTemplate")} RuntimeTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("./logging/Logger").Logger} WebpackLogger */ /** @typedef {import("./util/Hash")} Hash */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */ /** @typedef {import("./util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** * @typedef {Object} SourceMap * @property {number} version * @property {string[]} sources * @property {string} mappings * @property {string=} file * @property {string=} sourceRoot * @property {string[]=} sourcesContent * @property {string[]=} names */ const getInvalidDependenciesModuleWarning = memoize(() => require("./InvalidDependenciesModuleWarning") ); const getValidate = memoize(() => require("schema-utils").validate); const ABSOLUTE_PATH_REGEX = /^([a-zA-Z]:\\|\\\\|\/)/; /** * @typedef {Object} LoaderItem * @property {string} loader * @property {any} options * @property {string?} ident * @property {string?} type */ /** * @param {string} context absolute context path * @param {string} source a source path * @param {Object=} associatedObjectForCache an object to which the cache will be attached * @returns {string} new source path */ const contextifySourceUrl = (context, source, associatedObjectForCache) => { if (source.startsWith("webpack://")) return source; return `webpack://${makePathsRelative( context, source, associatedObjectForCache )}`; }; /** * @param {string} context absolute context path * @param {SourceMap} sourceMap a source map * @param {Object=} associatedObjectForCache an object to which the cache will be attached * @returns {SourceMap} new source map */ const contextifySourceMap = (context, sourceMap, associatedObjectForCache) => { if (!Array.isArray(sourceMap.sources)) return sourceMap; const { sourceRoot } = sourceMap; /** @type {function(string): string} */ const mapper = !sourceRoot ? source => source : sourceRoot.endsWith("/") ? source => source.startsWith("/") ? `${sourceRoot.slice(0, -1)}${source}` : `${sourceRoot}${source}` : source => source.startsWith("/") ? `${sourceRoot}${source}` : `${sourceRoot}/${source}`; const newSources = sourceMap.sources.map(source => contextifySourceUrl(context, mapper(source), associatedObjectForCache) ); return { ...sourceMap, file: "x", sourceRoot: undefined, sources: newSources }; }; /** * @param {string | Buffer} input the input * @returns {string} the converted string */ const asString = input => { if (Buffer.isBuffer(input)) { return input.toString("utf-8"); } return input; }; /** * @param {string | Buffer} input the input * @returns {Buffer} the converted buffer */ const asBuffer = input => { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(input)) { return Buffer.from(input, "utf-8"); } return input; }; class NonErrorEmittedError extends WebpackError { constructor(error) { super(); this.name = "NonErrorEmittedError"; this.message = "(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) " + error; } } makeSerializable( NonErrorEmittedError, "webpack/lib/NormalModule", "NonErrorEmittedError" ); /** * @typedef {Object} NormalModuleCompilationHooks * @property {SyncHook<[object, NormalModule]>} loader * @property {SyncHook<[LoaderItem[], NormalModule, object]>} beforeLoaders * @property {SyncHook<[NormalModule]>} beforeParse * @property {SyncHook<[NormalModule]>} beforeSnapshot * @property {HookMap<AsyncSeriesBailHook<[string, NormalModule], string | Buffer>>} readResourceForScheme * @property {HookMap<AsyncSeriesBailHook<[object], string | Buffer>>} readResource * @property {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[NormalModule, NeedBuildContext], boolean>} needBuild */ /** * @typedef {Object} NormalModuleCreateData * @property {string=} layer an optional layer in which the module is * @property {string} type module type * @property {string} request request string * @property {string} userRequest request intended by user (without loaders from config) * @property {string} rawRequest request without resolving * @property {LoaderItem[]} loaders list of loaders * @property {string} resource path + query of the real resource * @property {Record<string, any>=} resourceResolveData resource resolve data * @property {string} context context directory for resolving * @property {string=} matchResource path + query of the matched resource (virtual) * @property {Parser} parser the parser used * @property {Record<string, any>=} parserOptions the options of the parser used * @property {Generator} generator the generator used * @property {Record<string, any>=} generatorOptions the options of the generator used * @property {ResolveOptions=} resolveOptions options used for resolving requests from this module */ /** @type {WeakMap<Compilation, NormalModuleCompilationHooks>} */ const compilationHooksMap = new WeakMap(); class NormalModule extends Module { /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @returns {NormalModuleCompilationHooks} the attached hooks */ static getCompilationHooks(compilation) { if (!(compilation instanceof Compilation)) { throw new TypeError( "The 'compilation' argument must be an instance of Compilation" ); } let hooks = compilationHooksMap.get(compilation); if (hooks === undefined) { hooks = { loader: new SyncHook(["loaderContext", "module"]), beforeLoaders: new SyncHook(["loaders", "module", "loaderContext"]), beforeParse: new SyncHook(["module"]), beforeSnapshot: new SyncHook(["module"]), // TODO webpack 6 deprecate readResourceForScheme: new HookMap(scheme => { const hook = hooks.readResource.for(scheme); return createFakeHook( /** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[string, NormalModule], string | Buffer>} */ ({ tap: (options, fn) => hook.tap(options, loaderContext => fn(loaderContext.resource, loaderContext._module) ), tapAsync: (options, fn) => hook.tapAsync(options, (loaderContext, callback) => fn(loaderContext.resource, loaderContext._module, callback) ), tapPromise: (options, fn) => hook.tapPromise(options, loaderContext => fn(loaderContext.resource, loaderContext._module) ) }) ); }), readResource: new HookMap( () => new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["loaderContext"]) ), needBuild: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["module", "context"]) }; compilationHooksMap.set(compilation, hooks); } return hooks; } /** * @param {NormalModuleCreateData} options options object */ constructor({ layer, type, request, userRequest, rawRequest, loaders, resource, resourceResolveData, context, matchResource, parser, parserOptions, generator, generatorOptions, resolveOptions }) { super(type, context || getContext(resource), layer); // Info from Factory /** @type {string} */ this.request = request; /** @type {string} */ this.userRequest = userRequest; /** @type {string} */ this.rawRequest = rawRequest; /** @type {boolean} */ this.binary = /^(asset|webassembly)\b/.test(type); /** @type {Parser} */ this.parser = parser; this.parserOptions = parserOptions; /** @type {Generator} */ this.generator = generator; this.generatorOptions = generatorOptions; /** @type {string} */ this.resource = resource; this.resourceResolveData = resourceResolveData; /** @type {string | undefined} */ this.matchResource = matchResource; /** @type {LoaderItem[]} */ this.loaders = loaders; if (resolveOptions !== undefined) { // already declared in super class this.resolveOptions = resolveOptions; } // Info from Build /** @type {(WebpackError | null)=} */ this.error = null; /** @private @type {Source=} */ this._source = null; /** @private @type {Map<string, number> | undefined} **/ this._sourceSizes = undefined; /** @private @type {Set<string>} */ this._sourceTypes = undefined; // Cache this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta = {}; this._forceBuild = true; this._isEvaluatingSideEffects = false; /** @type {WeakSet<ModuleGraph> | undefined} */ this._addedSideEffectsBailout = undefined; } /** * @returns {string} a unique identifier of the module */ identifier() { if (this.layer === null) { if (this.type === "javascript/auto") { return this.request; } else { return `${this.type}|${this.request}`; } } else { return `${this.type}|${this.request}|${this.layer}`; } } /** * @param {RequestShortener} requestShortener the request shortener * @returns {string} a user readable identifier of the module */ readableIdentifier(requestShortener) { return requestShortener.shorten(this.userRequest); } /** * @param {LibIdentOptions} options options * @returns {string | null} an identifier for library inclusion */ libIdent(options) { let ident = contextify( options.context, this.userRequest, options.associatedObjectForCache ); if (this.layer) ident = `(${this.layer})/${ident}`; return ident; } /** * @returns {string | null} absolute path which should be used for condition matching (usually the resource path) */ nameForCondition() { const resource = this.matchResource || this.resource; const idx = resource.indexOf("?"); if (idx >= 0) return resource.slice(0, idx); return resource; } /** * Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with * the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references * and properties. * @param {Module} module fresh module * @returns {void} */ updateCacheModule(module) { super.updateCacheModule(module); const m = /** @type {NormalModule} */ (module); this.binary = m.binary; this.request = m.request; this.userRequest = m.userRequest; this.rawRequest = m.rawRequest; this.parser = m.parser; this.parserOptions = m.parserOptions; this.generator = m.generator; this.generatorOptions = m.generatorOptions; this.resource = m.resource; this.resourceResolveData = m.resourceResolveData; this.context = m.context; this.matchResource = m.matchResource; this.loaders = m.loaders; } /** * Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory. */ cleanupForCache() { // Make sure to cache types and sizes before cleanup when this module has been built // They are accessed by the stats and we don't want them to crash after cleanup // TODO reconsider this for webpack 6 if (this.buildInfo) { if (this._sourceTypes === undefined) this.getSourceTypes(); for (const type of this._sourceTypes) { this.size(type); } } super.cleanupForCache(); this.parser = undefined; this.parserOptions = undefined; this.generator = undefined; this.generatorOptions = undefined; } /** * Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that. * This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later. * @returns {object} cached data */ getUnsafeCacheData() { const data = super.getUnsafeCacheData(); data.parserOptions = this.parserOptions; data.generatorOptions = this.generatorOptions; return data; } restoreFromUnsafeCache(unsafeCacheData, normalModuleFactory) { this._restoreFromUnsafeCache(unsafeCacheData, normalModuleFactory); } /** * restore unsafe cache data * @param {object} unsafeCacheData data from getUnsafeCacheData * @param {NormalModuleFactory} normalModuleFactory the normal module factory handling the unsafe caching */ _restoreFromUnsafeCache(unsafeCacheData, normalModuleFactory) { super._restoreFromUnsafeCache(unsafeCacheData, normalModuleFactory); this.parserOptions = unsafeCacheData.parserOptions; this.parser = normalModuleFactory.getParser(this.type, this.parserOptions); this.generatorOptions = unsafeCacheData.generatorOptions; this.generator = normalModuleFactory.getGenerator( this.type, this.generatorOptions ); // we assume the generator behaves identically and keep cached sourceTypes/Sizes } /** * @param {string} context the compilation context * @param {string} name the asset name * @param {string} content the content * @param {string | TODO} sourceMap an optional source map * @param {Object=} associatedObjectForCache object for caching * @returns {Source} the created source */ createSourceForAsset( context, name, content, sourceMap, associatedObjectForCache ) { if (sourceMap) { if ( typeof sourceMap === "string" && (this.useSourceMap || this.useSimpleSourceMap) ) { return new OriginalSource( content, contextifySourceUrl(context, sourceMap, associatedObjectForCache) ); } if (this.useSourceMap) { return new SourceMapSource( content, name, contextifySourceMap(context, sourceMap, associatedObjectForCache) ); } } return new RawSource(content); } /** * @param {ResolverWithOptions} resolver a resolver * @param {WebpackOptions} options webpack options * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {InputFileSystem} fs file system from reading * @param {NormalModuleCompilationHooks} hooks the hooks * @returns {NormalModuleLoaderContext} loader context */ _createLoaderContext(resolver, options, compilation, fs, hooks) { const { requestShortener } = compilation.runtimeTemplate; const getCurrentLoaderName = () => { const currentLoader = this.getCurrentLoader(loaderContext); if (!currentLoader) return "(not in loader scope)"; return requestShortener.shorten(currentLoader.loader); }; const getResolveContext = () => { return { fileDependencies: { add: d => loaderContext.addDependency(d) }, contextDependencies: { add: d => loaderContext.addContextDependency(d) }, missingDependencies: { add: d => loaderContext.addMissingDependency(d) } }; }; const getAbsolutify = memoize(() => absolutify.bindCache(compilation.compiler.root) ); const getAbsolutifyInContext = memoize(() => absolutify.bindContextCache(this.context, compilation.compiler.root) ); const getContextify = memoize(() => contextify.bindCache(compilation.compiler.root) ); const getContextifyInContext = memoize(() => contextify.bindContextCache(this.context, compilation.compiler.root) ); const utils = { absolutify: (context, request) => { return context === this.context ? getAbsolutifyInContext()(request) : getAbsolutify()(context, request); }, contextify: (context, request) => { return context === this.context ? getContextifyInContext()(request) : getContextify()(context, request); }, createHash: type => { return createHash(type || compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction); } }; const loaderContext = { version: 2, getOptions: schema => { const loader = this.getCurrentLoader(loaderContext); let { options } = loader; if (typeof options === "string") { if (options.startsWith("{") && options.endsWith("}")) { try { options = parseJson(options); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Cannot parse string options: ${e.message}`); } } else { options = querystring.parse(options, "&", "=", { maxKeys: 0 }); } } if (options === null || options === undefined) { options = {}; } if (schema) { let name = "Loader"; let baseDataPath = "options"; let match; if (schema.title && (match = /^(.+) (.+)$/.exec(schema.title))) { [, name, baseDataPath] = match; } getValidate()(schema, options, { name, baseDataPath }); } return options; }, emitWarning: warning => { if (!(warning instanceof Error)) { warning = new NonErrorEmittedError(warning); } this.addWarning( new ModuleWarning(warning, { from: getCurrentLoaderName() }) ); }, emitError: error => { if (!(error instanceof Error)) { error = new NonErrorEmittedError(error); } this.addError( new ModuleError(error, { from: getCurrentLoaderName() }) ); }, getLogger: name => { const currentLoader = this.getCurrentLoader(loaderContext); return compilation.getLogger(() => [currentLoader && currentLoader.loader, name, this.identifier()] .filter(Boolean) .join("|") ); }, resolve(context, request, callback) { resolver.resolve({}, context, request, getResolveContext(), callback); }, getResolve(options) { const child = options ? resolver.withOptions(options) : resolver; return (context, request, callback) => { if (callback) { child.resolve({}, context, request, getResolveContext(), callback); } else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { child.resolve( {}, context, request, getResolveContext(), (err, result) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(result); } ); }); } }; }, emitFile: (name, content, sourceMap, assetInfo) => { if (!this.buildInfo.assets) { this.buildInfo.assets = Object.create(null); this.buildInfo.assetsInfo = new Map(); } this.buildInfo.assets[name] = this.createSourceForAsset( options.context, name, content, sourceMap, compilation.compiler.root ); this.buildInfo.assetsInfo.set(name, assetInfo); }, addBuildDependency: dep => { if (this.buildInfo.buildDependencies === undefined) { this.buildInfo.buildDependencies = new LazySet(); } this.buildInfo.buildDependencies.add(dep); }, utils, rootContext: options.context, webpack: true, sourceMap: !!this.useSourceMap, mode: options.mode || "production", _module: this, _compilation: compilation, _compiler: compilation.compiler, fs: fs }; Object.assign(loaderContext, options.loader); hooks.loader.call(loaderContext, this); return loaderContext; } getCurrentLoader(loaderContext, index = loaderContext.loaderIndex) { if ( this.loaders && this.loaders.length && index < this.loaders.length && index >= 0 && this.loaders[index] ) { return this.loaders[index]; } return null; } /** * @param {string} context the compilation context * @param {string | Buffer} content the content * @param {string | TODO} sourceMap an optional source map * @param {Object=} associatedObjectForCache object for caching * @returns {Source} the created source */ createSource(context, content, sourceMap, associatedObjectForCache) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) { return new RawSource(content); } // if there is no identifier return raw source if (!this.identifier) { return new RawSource(content); } // from here on we assume we have an identifier const identifier = this.identifier(); if (this.useSourceMap && sourceMap) { return new SourceMapSource( content, contextifySourceUrl(context, identifier, associatedObjectForCache), contextifySourceMap(context, sourceMap, associatedObjectForCache) ); } if (this.useSourceMap || this.useSimpleSourceMap) { return new OriginalSource( content, contextifySourceUrl(context, identifier, associatedObjectForCache) ); } return new RawSource(content); } /** * @param {WebpackOptions} options webpack options * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {ResolverWithOptions} resolver the resolver * @param {InputFileSystem} fs the file system * @param {NormalModuleCompilationHooks} hooks the hooks * @param {function((WebpackError | null)=): void} callback callback function * @returns {void} */ _doBuild(options, compilation, resolver, fs, hooks, callback) { const loaderContext = this._createLoaderContext( resolver, options, compilation, fs, hooks ); const processResult = (err, result) => { if (err) { if (!(err instanceof Error)) { err = new NonErrorEmittedError(err); } const currentLoader = this.getCurrentLoader(loaderContext); const error = new ModuleBuildError(err, { from: currentLoader && compilation.runtimeTemplate.requestShortener.shorten( currentLoader.loader ) }); return callback(error); } const source = result[0]; const sourceMap = result.length >= 1 ? result[1] : null; const extraInfo = result.length >= 2 ? result[2] : null; if (!Buffer.isBuffer(source) && typeof source !== "string") { const currentLoader = this.getCurrentLoader(loaderContext, 0); const err = new Error( `Final loader (${ currentLoader ? compilation.runtimeTemplate.requestShortener.shorten( currentLoader.loader ) : "unknown" }) didn't return a Buffer or String` ); const error = new ModuleBuildError(err); return callback(error); } this._source = this.createSource( options.context, this.binary ? asBuffer(source) : asString(source), sourceMap, compilation.compiler.root ); if (this._sourceSizes !== undefined) this._sourceSizes.clear(); this._ast = typeof extraInfo === "object" && extraInfo !== null && extraInfo.webpackAST !== undefined ? extraInfo.webpackAST : null; return callback(); }; this.buildInfo.fileDependencies = new LazySet(); this.buildInfo.contextDependencies = new LazySet(); this.buildInfo.missingDependencies = new LazySet(); this.buildInfo.cacheable = true; try { hooks.beforeLoaders.call(this.loaders, this, loaderContext); } catch (err) { processResult(err); return; } if (this.loaders.length > 0) { this.buildInfo.buildDependencies = new LazySet(); } runLoaders( { resource: this.resource, loaders: this.loaders, context: loaderContext, processResource: (loaderContext, resourcePath, callback) => { const resource = loaderContext.resource; const scheme = getScheme(resource); hooks.readResource .for(scheme) .callAsync(loaderContext, (err, result) => { if (err) return callback(err); if (typeof result !== "string" && !result) { return callback(new UnhandledSchemeError(scheme, resource)); } return callback(null, result); }); } }, (err, result) => { // Cleanup loaderContext to avoid leaking memory in ICs loaderContext._compilation = loaderContext._compiler = loaderContext._module = loaderContext.fs = undefined; if (!result) { this.buildInfo.cacheable = false; return processResult( err || new Error("No result from loader-runner processing"), null ); } this.buildInfo.fileDependencies.addAll(result.fileDependencies); this.buildInfo.contextDependencies.addAll(result.contextDependencies); this.buildInfo.missingDependencies.addAll(result.missingDependencies); for (const loader of this.loaders) { this.buildInfo.buildDependencies.add(loader.loader); } this.buildInfo.cacheable = this.buildInfo.cacheable && result.cacheable; processResult(err, result.result); } ); } /** * @param {WebpackError} error the error * @returns {void} */ markModuleAsErrored(error) { // Restore build meta from successful build to keep importing state this.buildMeta = { ...this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta }; this.error = error; this.addError(error); } applyNoParseRule(rule, content) { // must start with "rule" if rule is a string if (typeof rule === "string") { return content.startsWith(rule); } if (typeof rule === "function") { return rule(content); } // we assume rule is a regexp return rule.test(content); } // check if module should not be parsed // returns "true" if the module should !not! be parsed // returns "false" if the module !must! be parsed shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule, request) { // if no noParseRule exists, return false // the module !must! be parsed. if (!noParseRule) { return false; } // we only have one rule to check if (!Array.isArray(noParseRule)) { // returns "true" if the module is !not! to be parsed return this.applyNoParseRule(noParseRule, request); } for (let i = 0; i < noParseRule.length; i++) { const rule = noParseRule[i]; // early exit on first truthy match // this module is !not! to be parsed if (this.applyNoParseRule(rule, request)) { return true; } } // no match found, so this module !should! be parsed return false; } _initBuildHash(compilation) { const hash = createHash(compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction); if (this._source) { hash.update("source"); this._source.updateHash(hash); } hash.update("meta"); hash.update(JSON.stringify(this.buildMeta)); this.buildInfo.hash = /** @type {string} */ (hash.digest("hex")); } /** * @param {WebpackOptions} options webpack options * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {ResolverWithOptions} resolver the resolver * @param {InputFileSystem} fs the file system * @param {function(WebpackError=): void} callback callback function * @returns {void} */ build(options, compilation, resolver, fs, callback) { this._forceBuild = false; this._source = null; if (this._sourceSizes !== undefined) this._sourceSizes.clear(); this._sourceTypes = undefined; this._ast = null; this.error = null; this.clearWarningsAndErrors(); this.clearDependenciesAndBlocks(); this.buildMeta = {}; this.buildInfo = { cacheable: false, parsed: true, fileDependencies: undefined, contextDependencies: undefined, missingDependencies: undefined, buildDependencies: undefined, valueDependencies: undefined, hash: undefined, assets: undefined, assetsInfo: undefined }; const startTime = compilation.compiler.fsStartTime || Date.now(); const hooks = NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation); return this._doBuild(options, compilation, resolver, fs, hooks, err => { // if we have an error mark module as failed and exit if (err) { this.markModuleAsErrored(err); this._initBuildHash(compilation); return callback(); } const handleParseError = e => { const source = this._source.source(); const loaders = this.loaders.map(item => contextify(options.context, item.loader, compilation.compiler.root) ); const error = new ModuleParseError(source, e, loaders, this.type); this.markModuleAsErrored(error); this._initBuildHash(compilation); return callback(); }; const handleParseResult = result => { this.dependencies.sort( concatComparators( compareSelect(a => a.loc, compareLocations), keepOriginalOrder(this.dependencies) ) ); this._initBuildHash(compilation); this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta = this.buildMeta; return handleBuildDone(); }; const handleBuildDone = () => { try { hooks.beforeSnapshot.call(this); } catch (err) { this.markModuleAsErrored(err); return callback(); } const snapshotOptions = compilation.options.snapshot.module; if (!this.buildInfo.cacheable || !snapshotOptions) { return callback(); } // add warning for all non-absolute paths in fileDependencies, etc // This makes it easier to find problems with watching and/or caching let nonAbsoluteDependencies = undefined; const checkDependencies = deps => { for (const dep of deps) { if (!ABSOLUTE_PATH_REGEX.test(dep)) { if (nonAbsoluteDependencies === undefined) nonAbsoluteDependencies = new Set(); nonAbsoluteDependencies.add(dep); deps.delete(dep); try { const depWithoutGlob = dep.replace(/[\\/]?\*.*$/, ""); const absolute = join( compilation.fileSystemInfo.fs, this.context, depWithoutGlob ); if (absolute !== dep && ABSOLUTE_PATH_REGEX.test(absolute)) { (depWithoutGlob !== dep ? this.buildInfo.contextDependencies : deps ).add(absolute); } } catch (e) { // ignore } } } }; checkDependencies(this.buildInfo.fileDependencies); checkDependencies(this.buildInfo.missingDependencies); checkDependencies(this.buildInfo.contextDependencies); if (nonAbsoluteDependencies !== undefined) { const InvalidDependenciesModuleWarning = getInvalidDependenciesModuleWarning(); this.addWarning( new InvalidDependenciesModuleWarning(this, nonAbsoluteDependencies) ); } // convert file/context/missingDependencies into filesystem snapshot compilation.fileSystemInfo.createSnapshot( startTime, this.buildInfo.fileDependencies, this.buildInfo.contextDependencies, this.buildInfo.missingDependencies, snapshotOptions, (err, snapshot) => { if (err) { this.markModuleAsErrored(err); return; } this.buildInfo.fileDependencies = undefined; this.buildInfo.contextDependencies = undefined; this.buildInfo.missingDependencies = undefined; this.buildInfo.snapshot = snapshot; return callback(); } ); }; try { hooks.beforeParse.call(this); } catch (err) { this.markModuleAsErrored(err); this._initBuildHash(compilation); return callback(); } // check if this module should !not! be parsed. // if so, exit here; const noParseRule = options.module && options.module.noParse; if (this.shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule, this.request)) { // We assume that we need module and exports this.buildInfo.parsed = false; this._initBuildHash(compilation); return handleBuildDone(); } let result; try { const source = this._source.source(); result = this.parser.parse(this._ast || source, { source, current: this, module: this, compilation: compilation, options: options }); } catch (e) { handleParseError(e); return; } handleParseResult(result); }); } /** * @param {ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext} context context * @returns {string | undefined} reason why this module can't be concatenated, undefined when it can be concatenated */ getConcatenationBailoutReason(context) { return this.generator.getConcatenationBailoutReason(this, context); } /** * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @returns {ConnectionState} how this module should be connected to referencing modules when consumed for side-effects only */ getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph) { if (this.factoryMeta !== undefined) { if (this.factoryMeta.sideEffectFree) return false; if (this.factoryMeta.sideEffectFree === false) return true; } if (this.buildMeta !== undefined && this.buildMeta.sideEffectFree) { if (this._isEvaluatingSideEffects) return ModuleGraphConnection.CIRCULAR_CONNECTION; this._isEvaluatingSideEffects = true; /** @type {ConnectionState} */ let current = false; for (const dep of this.dependencies) { const state = dep.getModuleEvaluationSideEffectsState(moduleGraph); if (state === true) { if ( this._addedSideEffectsBailout === undefined ? ((this._addedSideEffectsBailout = new WeakSet()), true) : !this._addedSideEffectsBailout.has(moduleGraph) ) { this._addedSideEffectsBailout.add(moduleGraph); moduleGraph .getOptimizationBailout(this) .push( () => `Dependency (${ dep.type }) with side effects at ${formatLocation(dep.loc)}` ); } this._isEvaluatingSideEffects = false; return true; } else if (state !== ModuleGraphConnection.CIRCULAR_CONNECTION) { current = ModuleGraphConnection.addConnectionStates(current, state); } } this._isEvaluatingSideEffects = false; // When caching is implemented here, make sure to not cache when // at least one circular connection was in the loop above return current; } else { return true; } } /** * @returns {Set<string>} types available (do not mutate) */ getSourceTypes() { if (this._sourceTypes === undefined) { this._sourceTypes = this.generator.getTypes(this); } return this._sourceTypes; } /** * @param {CodeGenerationContext} context context for code generation * @returns {CodeGenerationResult} result */ codeGeneration({ dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph, runtime, concatenationScope, codeGenerationResults, sourceTypes }) { /** @type {Set<string>} */ const runtimeRequirements = new Set(); if (!this.buildInfo.parsed) { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.module); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.thisAsExports); } /** @type {Map<string, any>} */ let data; const getData = () => { if (data === undefined) data = new Map(); return data; }; const sources = new Map(); for (const type of sourceTypes || chunkGraph.getModuleSourceTypes(this)) { const source = this.error ? new RawSource( "throw new Error(" + JSON.stringify(this.error.message) + ");" ) : this.generator.generate(this, { dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph, runtimeRequirements, runtime, concatenationScope, codeGenerationResults, getData, type }); if (source) { sources.set(type, new CachedSource(source)); } } /** @type {CodeGenerationResult} */ const resultEntry = { sources, runtimeRequirements, data }; return resultEntry; } /** * @returns {Source | null} the original source for the module before webpack transformation */ originalSource() { return this._source; } /** * @returns {void} */ invalidateBuild() { this._forceBuild = true; } /** * @param {NeedBuildContext} context context info * @param {function((WebpackError | null)=, boolean=): void} callback callback function, returns true, if the module needs a rebuild * @returns {void} */ needBuild(context, callback) { const { fileSystemInfo, compilation, valueCacheVersions } = context; // build if enforced if (this._forceBuild) return callback(null, true); // always try to build in case of an error if (this.error) return callback(null, true); // always build when module is not cacheable if (!this.buildInfo.cacheable) return callback(null, true); // build when there is no snapshot to check if (!this.buildInfo.snapshot) return callback(null, true); // build when valueDependencies have changed /** @type {Map<string, string | Set<string>>} */ const valueDependencies = this.buildInfo.valueDependencies; if (valueDependencies) { if (!valueCacheVersions) return callback(null, true); for (const [key, value] of valueDependencies) { if (value === undefined) return callback(null, true); const current = valueCacheVersions.get(key); if ( value !== current && (typeof value === "string" || typeof current === "string" || current === undefined || !isSubset(value, current)) ) { return callback(null, true); } } } // check snapshot for validity fileSystemInfo.checkSnapshotValid(this.buildInfo.snapshot, (err, valid) => { if (err) return callback(err); if (!valid) return callback(null, true); const hooks = NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation); hooks.needBuild.callAsync(this, context, (err, needBuild) => { if (err) { return callback( HookWebpackError.makeWebpackError( err, "NormalModule.getCompilationHooks().needBuild" ) ); } callback(null, !!needBuild); }); }); } /** * @param {string=} type the source type for which the size should be estimated * @returns {number} the estimated size of the module (must be non-zero) */ size(type) { const cachedSize = this._sourceSizes === undefined ? undefined : this._sourceSizes.get(type); if (cachedSize !== undefined) { return cachedSize; } const size = Math.max(1, this.generator.getSize(this, type)); if (this._sourceSizes === undefined) { this._sourceSizes = new Map(); } this._sourceSizes.set(type, size); return size; } /** * @param {LazySet<string>} fileDependencies set where file dependencies are added to * @param {LazySet<string>} contextDependencies set where context dependencies are added to * @param {LazySet<string>} missingDependencies set where missing dependencies are added to * @param {LazySet<string>} buildDependencies set where build dependencies are added to */ addCacheDependencies( fileDependencies, contextDependencies, missingDependencies, buildDependencies ) { const { snapshot, buildDependencies: buildDeps } = this.buildInfo; if (snapshot) { fileDependencies.addAll(snapshot.getFileIterable()); contextDependencies.addAll(snapshot.getContextIterable()); missingDependencies.addAll(snapshot.getMissingIterable()); } else { const { fileDependencies: fileDeps, contextDependencies: contextDeps, missingDependencies: missingDeps } = this.buildInfo; if (fileDeps !== undefined) fileDependencies.addAll(fileDeps); if (contextDeps !== undefined) contextDependencies.addAll(contextDeps); if (missingDeps !== undefined) missingDependencies.addAll(missingDeps); } if (buildDeps !== undefined) { buildDependencies.addAll(buildDeps); } } /** * @param {Hash} hash the hash used to track dependencies * @param {UpdateHashContext} context context * @returns {void} */ updateHash(hash, context) { hash.update(this.buildInfo.hash); this.generator.updateHash(hash, { module: this, ...context }); super.updateHash(hash, context); } serialize(context) { const { write } = context; // deserialize write(this._source); write(this.error); write(this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta); write(this._forceBuild); super.serialize(context); } static deserialize(context) { const obj = new NormalModule({ // will be deserialized by Module layer: null, type: "", // will be filled by updateCacheModule resource: "", context: "", request: null, userRequest: null, rawRequest: null, loaders: null, matchResource: null, parser: null, parserOptions: null, generator: null, generatorOptions: null, resolveOptions: null }); obj.deserialize(context); return obj; } deserialize(context) { const { read } = context; this._source = read(); this.error = read(); this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta = read(); this._forceBuild = read(); super.deserialize(context); } } makeSerializable(NormalModule, "webpack/lib/NormalModule"); module.exports = NormalModule;