/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const CaseSensitiveModulesWarning = require("./CaseSensitiveModulesWarning"); /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */ class WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin { /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( "WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin", compilation => { compilation.hooks.seal.tap("WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin", () => { /** @type {Map<string, Map<string, Module>>} */ const moduleWithoutCase = new Map(); for (const module of compilation.modules) { const identifier = module.identifier(); const lowerIdentifier = identifier.toLowerCase(); let map = moduleWithoutCase.get(lowerIdentifier); if (map === undefined) { map = new Map(); moduleWithoutCase.set(lowerIdentifier, map); } map.set(identifier, module); } for (const pair of moduleWithoutCase) { const map = pair[1]; if (map.size > 1) { compilation.warnings.push( new CaseSensitiveModulesWarning( map.values(), compilation.moduleGraph ) ); } } }); } ); } } module.exports = WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin;