'use strict'; /** * Contains `lookupFiles`, which takes some globs/dirs/options and returns a list of files. * @module * @private */ var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var glob = require('glob'); var {format} = require('util'); var errors = require('../errors'); var createNoFilesMatchPatternError = errors.createNoFilesMatchPatternError; var createMissingArgumentError = errors.createMissingArgumentError; var {sQuote, dQuote} = require('../utils'); const debug = require('debug')('mocha:cli:lookup-files'); /** * Determines if pathname would be a "hidden" file (or directory) on UN*X. * * @description * On UN*X, pathnames beginning with a full stop (aka dot) are hidden during * typical usage. Dotfiles, plain-text configuration files, are prime examples. * * @see {@link http://xahlee.info/UnixResource_dir/writ/unix_origin_of_dot_filename.html|Origin of Dot File Names} * * @private * @param {string} pathname - Pathname to check for match. * @return {boolean} whether pathname would be considered a hidden file. * @example * isHiddenOnUnix('.profile'); // => true */ const isHiddenOnUnix = pathname => path.basename(pathname).startsWith('.'); /** * Determines if pathname has a matching file extension. * * Supports multi-part extensions. * * @private * @param {string} pathname - Pathname to check for match. * @param {string[]} exts - List of file extensions, w/-or-w/o leading period * @return {boolean} `true` if file extension matches. * @example * hasMatchingExtname('foo.html', ['js', 'css']); // false * hasMatchingExtname('foo.js', ['.js']); // true * hasMatchingExtname('foo.js', ['js']); // ture */ const hasMatchingExtname = (pathname, exts = []) => exts .map(ext => (ext.startsWith('.') ? ext : `.${ext}`)) .some(ext => pathname.endsWith(ext)); /** * Lookup file names at the given `path`. * * @description * Filenames are returned in _traversal_ order by the OS/filesystem. * **Make no assumption that the names will be sorted in any fashion.** * * @public * @alias module:lib/cli.lookupFiles * @param {string} filepath - Base path to start searching from. * @param {string[]} [extensions=[]] - File extensions to look for. * @param {boolean} [recursive=false] - Whether to recurse into subdirectories. * @return {string[]} An array of paths. * @throws {Error} if no files match pattern. * @throws {TypeError} if `filepath` is directory and `extensions` not provided. */ module.exports = function lookupFiles( filepath, extensions = [], recursive = false ) { const files = []; let stat; if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) { let pattern; if (glob.hasMagic(filepath)) { // Handle glob as is without extensions pattern = filepath; } else { // glob pattern e.g. 'filepath+(.js|.ts)' const strExtensions = extensions .map(ext => (ext.startsWith('.') ? ext : `.${ext}`)) .join('|'); pattern = `${filepath}+(${strExtensions})`; debug('looking for files using glob pattern: %s', pattern); } files.push(...glob.sync(pattern, {nodir: true})); if (!files.length) { throw createNoFilesMatchPatternError( 'Cannot find any files matching pattern ' + dQuote(filepath), filepath ); } return files; } // Handle file try { stat = fs.statSync(filepath); if (stat.isFile()) { return filepath; } } catch (err) { // ignore error return; } // Handle directory fs.readdirSync(filepath).forEach(dirent => { const pathname = path.join(filepath, dirent); let stat; try { stat = fs.statSync(pathname); if (stat.isDirectory()) { if (recursive) { files.push(...lookupFiles(pathname, extensions, recursive)); } return; } } catch (ignored) { return; } if (!extensions.length) { throw createMissingArgumentError( format( 'Argument %s required when argument %s is a directory', sQuote('extensions'), sQuote('filepath') ), 'extensions', 'array' ); } if ( !stat.isFile() || !hasMatchingExtname(pathname, extensions) || isHiddenOnUnix(pathname) ) { return; } files.push(pathname); }); return files; };