lalBi94 7bc56c09b5 $
2023-03-05 13:23:23 +01:00

348 lines
8.6 KiB

'use strict'
const uuid = require('uuid/v4')
const archy = require('archy')
const libCoverage = require('istanbul-lib-coverage')
const {dirname, resolve} = require('path')
const {promisify} = require('util')
/* Shallow clone so we can promisify in-place */
const fs = { ...require('fs') }
const {spawn} = require('cross-spawn')
const rimraf = promisify(require('rimraf'))
const pMap = require('p-map')
const _nodes = Symbol('nodes')
const _label = Symbol('label')
const _coverageMap = Symbol('coverageMap')
const _processInfoDirectory = Symbol('')
// shared symbol for testing
const _spawnArgs = Symbol.for('spawnArgs')
;['writeFile', 'readFile', 'readdir'].forEach(fn => {
fs[fn] = promisify(fs[fn])
// the enumerable fields
const defaults = () => ({
parent: null,
argv: process.argv,
execArgv: process.execArgv,
cwd: process.cwd(),
ppid: process.ppid,
coverageFilename: null,
externalId: '',
[_nodes]: [],
[_label]: null,
[_coverageMap]: null
/* istanbul ignore next */
const fromEntries = Object.fromEntries || (
entries => entries.reduce((obj, [name, value]) => {
obj[name] = value
return obj
}, {})
class ProcessInfo {
constructor (fields = {}) {
Object.assign(this, defaults(), fields)
if (!this.uuid) {
this.uuid = uuid()
get nodes () {
return this[_nodes]
set nodes (n) {
this[_nodes] = n
set directory (d) {
this[_processInfoDirectory] = resolve(d)
get directory () {
return this[_processInfoDirectory]
saveSync () {
const f = resolve(, this.uuid + '.json')
fs.writeFileSync(f, JSON.stringify(this), 'utf-8')
async save () {
const f = resolve(, this.uuid + '.json')
await fs.writeFile(f, JSON.stringify(this), 'utf-8')
async getCoverageMap (nyc) {
if (this[_coverageMap]) {
return this[_coverageMap]
const childMaps = await Promise.all( => child.getCoverageMap(nyc)))
this[_coverageMap] = await mapMerger(nyc, this.coverageFilename, childMaps)
return this[_coverageMap]
get label () {
if (this[_label]) {
return this[_label]
const covInfo = this[_coverageMap]
? '\n ' + this[_coverageMap].getCoverageSummary().lines.pct + ' % Lines'
: ''
return this[_label] = this.argv.join(' ') + covInfo
const mapMerger = async (nyc, filename, maps) => {
const map = libCoverage.createCoverageMap({})
if (filename) {
map.merge(await nyc.coverageFileLoad(filename))
maps.forEach(otherMap => map.merge(otherMap))
return map
// Operations on the processinfo database as a whole,
// and the root of the tree rendering operation.
class ProcessDB {
constructor (directory) {
if (!directory) {
const nycConfig = process.env.NYC_CONFIG;
if (nycConfig) {
directory = resolve(JSON.parse(nycConfig).tempDir, 'processinfo')
if (!directory) {
throw new TypeError('must provide directory argument when outside of NYC')
Object.defineProperty(this, 'directory', { get: () => directory, enumerable: true })
this.nodes = []
this[_label] = null
this[_coverageMap] = null
get label () {
if (this[_label]) {
return this[_label]
const covInfo = this[_coverageMap]
? '\n ' + this[_coverageMap].getCoverageSummary().lines.pct + ' % Lines'
: ''
return this[_label] = 'nyc' + covInfo
async getCoverageMap (nyc) {
if (this[_coverageMap]) {
return this[_coverageMap]
const childMaps = await Promise.all( => child.getCoverageMap(nyc)))
this[_coverageMap] = await mapMerger(nyc, undefined, childMaps)
return this[_coverageMap]
async renderTree (nyc) {
await this.buildProcessTree()
await this.getCoverageMap(nyc)
return archy(this)
async buildProcessTree () {
const infos = await this.readProcessInfos(
const index = await this.readIndex()
for (const id in index.processes) {
const node = infos[id]
if (!node) {
throw new Error(`Invalid entry in processinfo index: ${id}`)
const idx = index.processes[id]
node.nodes = => infos[id])
.sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time)
if (!node.parent) {
async _readJSON (file) {
if (Array.isArray(file)) {
const result = await pMap(
f => this._readJSON(f),
{ concurrency: 8 }
return result.filter(Boolean)
try {
return JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(resolve(, file), 'utf-8'))
} catch (error) {
async readProcessInfos () {
const files = await fs.readdir(
const fileData = await this._readJSON(files.filter(f => f !== 'index.json'))
return fromEntries( => [
new ProcessInfo(info)
_createIndex (infos) {
const infoMap = fromEntries( => [
Object.assign(info, {children: []})
// create all the parent-child links
infos.forEach(info => {
if (info.parent) {
const parentInfo = infoMap[info.parent]
if (parentInfo && !parentInfo.children.includes(info.uuid)) {
// figure out which files were touched by each process.
const files = infos.reduce((files, info) => {
info.files.forEach(f => {
files[f] = files[f] || []
if (!files[f].includes(info.uuid)) {
return files
}, {})
const processes = fromEntries( => [
parent: info.parent,
...(info.externalId ? { externalId: info.externalId } : {}),
children: Array.from(info.children)
const eidList = new Set()
const externalIds = fromEntries(infos.filter(info => info.externalId).map(info => {
if (eidList.has(info.externalId)) {
throw new Error(
`External ID ${info.externalId} used by multiple processes`)
const children = Array.from(info.children)
// flatten the descendant sets of all the externalId procs
// push the next generation onto the list so we accumulate them all
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
children.push(...processes[children[i]].children.filter(uuid => !children.includes(uuid)))
return [
root: info.uuid,
return { processes, files, externalIds }
async writeIndex () {
const {directory} = this
const files = await fs.readdir(directory)
const infos = await this._readJSON(files.filter(f => f !== 'index.json'))
const index = this._createIndex(infos)
const indexFile = resolve(directory, 'index.json')
await fs.writeFile(indexFile, JSON.stringify(index))
return index
async readIndex () {
return await this._readJSON('index.json') || await this.writeIndex()
// delete all coverage and processinfo for a given process
// Warning! Doing this makes the index out of date, so make sure
// to update it when you're done!
// Not multi-process safe, because it cannot be done atomically.
async expunge (id) {
const index = await this.readIndex()
const entry = index.externalIds[id]
if (!entry) {
await pMap(
`${}/${entry.root}.json`, => [
f => rimraf(f),
{ concurrency: 8 }
[_spawnArgs] (name, file, args, options) {
if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
options = args
args = []
if (!options) {
options = {}
if (!process.env.NYC_CONFIG) {
const nyc = || 'nyc'
const nycArgs = options.nycArgs || []
args = [...nycArgs, file, ...args]
file = nyc
options.env = {
...(options.env || process.env),
return [name, file, args, options]
// spawn an externally named process
async spawn (...spawnArgs) {
const [name, file, args, options] = this[_spawnArgs](...spawnArgs)
await this.expunge(name)
return spawn(file, args, options)
exports.ProcessDB = ProcessDB
exports.ProcessInfo = ProcessInfo