lalBi94 7bc56c09b5 $
2023-03-05 13:23:23 +01:00

132 lines
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import {
} from '@riotjs/dom-bindings'
// Internal Types and shortcuts
export type RegisteredComponentsMap = Map<string, () => RiotComponent>
export type ComponentEnhancer = <Props = any, State = any>(component: RiotComponent<Props, State>) => RiotComponent<Props, State>
export type InstalledPluginsSet = Set<ComponentEnhancer>
export type RiotComponentsMap = {
[key: string]: RiotComponentWrapper
export type AutobindObjectMethods<Object, This> = {
[K in keyof Object]: Object[K] extends (...args: any) => any ? (this: This, ...args: Parameters<Object[K]>) => ReturnType<Object[K]> : Object[K]
export interface RiotComponent<Props = any, State = any> {
// automatically generated on any component instance
readonly props: Props
readonly root: HTMLElement
readonly name?: string
readonly slots: SlotBindingData[]
// mutable state property
state: State
// optional alias to map the children component names
components?: RiotComponentsMap
element: HTMLElement,
initialState?: State,
parentScope?: object
): RiotComponent<Props, State>
newState?: Partial<State>,
parentScope?: object
): RiotComponent<Props, State>
unmount(keepRootElement?: boolean): RiotComponent<Props, State>
// Helpers
$(selector: string): Element | null
$$(selector: string): Element[]
// state handling methods
shouldUpdate?(newProps: Props, oldProps: Props): boolean
// lifecycle methods
onBeforeMount?(props: Props, state: State): void
onMounted?(props: Props, state: State): void
onBeforeUpdate?(props: Props, state: State): void
onUpdated?(props: Props, state: State): void
onBeforeUnmount?(props: Props, state: State): void
onUnmounted?(props: Props, state: State): void
// The Riot component object without the internals
// The internal attributes will be handled by the framework
export type RiotComponentWithoutInternals<Component extends RiotComponent> = Omit<Component, 'props' | 'root' | 'name' | 'slots' | 'mount' | 'update' | 'unmount' | '$' | '$$'>
export type RiotComponentWithoutInternalsAndInitialState<Component extends RiotComponent> = Omit<RiotComponentWithoutInternals<Component>, 'state'>
// Riot Pure Component interface that should be used together with riot.pure
export interface RiotPureComponent<Context = object> {
element: HTMLElement,
context?: Context,
): RiotPureComponent<Context>
context?: Context,
): RiotPureComponent<Context>
unmount(keepRootElement: boolean): RiotPureComponent<Context>
export interface PureComponentFactoryFunction<InitialProps = any, Context = any> {
}: { slots?: SlotBindingData<Context>[], attributes?: AttributeExpressionData<Context>[], props?: InitialProps; }): RiotPureComponent<Context>
// This object interface is created anytime a riot file will be compiled into javascript
export interface RiotComponentWrapper<Component = RiotComponent> {
readonly css?: string | null
readonly exports?: RiotComponentFactoryFunction<Component> | Component | null
readonly name?: string | null
template: (template: string, bindings?: BindingData<Component>[]) => TemplateChunk<Component>,
expressionTypes: Record<keyof typeof ExpressionType, number>,
bindingTypes: Record<keyof typeof BindingType, number>,
getComponent: (componentName: string) => any
): TemplateChunk<Component> | null
// Interface for components factory functions
export interface RiotComponentFactoryFunction<Component> {
(): Component
components?: RiotComponentsMap
// Riot public API
export function register<Props, State>(componentName: string, wrapper: RiotComponentWrapper<RiotComponent<Props, State>>): RegisteredComponentsMap
export function unregister(componentName: string): RegisteredComponentsMap
export function mount<Props, State>(selector: string | HTMLElement, initialProps?: Props, componentName?: string): RiotComponent<Props, State>[]
export function unmount(selector: string | HTMLElement, keepRootElement?: boolean): HTMLElement[]
export function install(plugin: ComponentEnhancer): InstalledPluginsSet
export function uninstall(plugin: ComponentEnhancer): InstalledPluginsSet
export function component<Props, State, Component = RiotComponent<Props, State>>(wrapper: RiotComponentWrapper<Component>): (
el: HTMLElement,
initialProps?: Props,
meta?: { slots: SlotBindingData[]; attributes: AttributeExpressionData[]; parentScope: any; }
) => Component
export function pure<InitialProps = any, Context = any, FactoryFunction = PureComponentFactoryFunction<InitialProps, Context>>(func: FactoryFunction): FactoryFunction
export const version: string
// typescript specific methods
export function withTypes<Component extends RiotComponent,
ComponentFactory = RiotComponentFactoryFunction<AutobindObjectMethods<RiotComponentWithoutInternals<Component>, Component>>
>(fn: ComponentFactory): () => Component
export function withTypes<Component extends RiotComponent,
ComponentFactory = RiotComponentFactoryFunction<AutobindObjectMethods<RiotComponentWithoutInternalsAndInitialState<Component>, Component>>
>(fn: ComponentFactory): () => Component
export function withTypes<Component extends RiotComponent, ComponentObjectWithInitialState = RiotComponentWithoutInternals<Component>>(component: AutobindObjectMethods<ComponentObjectWithInitialState, Component>): Component
export function withTypes<Component extends RiotComponent, ComponentObjectWithoutInitialState = RiotComponentWithoutInternalsAndInitialState<Component>>(component: AutobindObjectMethods<ComponentObjectWithoutInitialState, Component>): Component