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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
5a738414d8 Merge branch 'main' of 2024-12-06 15:20:19 +01:00
abdd5136ec compute 2024-12-06 15:17:20 +01:00
4 changed files with 128 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -1,48 +1,47 @@
variable "project_name" { variable "project_name" {
description = "ID du projet GCP" description = "Nom du projet"
type = string type = string
default = "iut fbleau tp" default = "tp-1-docker"
} }
variable "project_id" { variable "project_id" {
description = "ID du projet GCP" description = "ID du projet"
type = string type = string
default = "iut fbleau tp" default = "tp-1-docker"
} }
variable "region" { variable "region" {
description = "region du projet" description = "gion du projet"
type = string type = string
default = "europe-west9" default = "europe-west4"
} }
variable "frontend_cidr" { variable "frontend_cidr" {
description = "frontend" description = "cidr du frontend"
type = string type = string
default = "" default = ""
} }
variable "backend_cidr" { variable "backend_cidr" {
description = "backend" description = "cidr du backend"
type = string type = string
default = "" default = ""
} }
variable "database_cidr" { variable "database_cidr" {
description = "database" description = "cidr du database"
type = string type = string
default = "" default = ""
} }
variable "ssh_source_ranges" { variable "ssh_source_ranges" {
description = "acces par ssh" description = "Accès à internet"
type = string type = string
default = "" default = ""
} }
variable "cidr_range" { variable "cidr_range" {
description = "cidr-network" description = "cidr de network"
type = string type = string
default = "" default = ""
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
resource "google_compute_instance" "frontend" {
name = "ma-vm-frontend"
machine_type = var.instance_type
zone =
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
size = 10
network_interface {
subnetwork = var.frontend_subnet_id
access_config {} # IP publique
tags = ["frontend", "ssh"]
metadata = {
enable-oslogin = "TRUE"
resource "google_compute_instance" "backend" {
name = "ma-vm-backend"
machine_type = var.instance_type
zone =
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
size = 10
network_interface {
subnetwork = var.backend_subnet_id
tags = ["backend", "ssh"]
metadata = {
enable-oslogin = "TRUE"
resource "google_compute_instance" "database" {
name = "ma-vm-database"
machine_type = var.instance_type
zone =
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
size = 20
network_interface {
subnetwork = var.database_subnet_id
tags = ["database", "ssh"]
metadata = {
enable-oslogin = "TRUE"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
output "instance_names" {
description = "Noms des instances"
value = {
frontend =
backend =
database =
output "frontend_public_ip" {
value = google_compute_instance.frontend.network_interface[0].access_config[0].nat_ip
output "private_ip" {
description = "IPs internes de toutes les instances"
value = {
frontend = google_compute_instance.frontend.network_interface[0].network_ip
backend = google_compute_instance.backend.network_interface[0].network_ip
database = google_compute_instance.database.network_interface[0].network_ip

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
variable "instance_type" {
description = "les types d'instances"
type = string
default = "e2-micro"
variable "zone" {
description = "zone des instances"
type = string
default = "europe-west4"
variable "frontend_subnet_id" {
description = "L'identifiant du subnet utilisé pour le frontend"
type = string
variable "backend_subnet_id" {
description = "L'identifiant du subnet utilisé pour le backend"
type = string
variable "database_subnet_id" {
description = "L'identifiant du subnet utilisé pour la database"
type = string