<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><!--Created with JFLAP 7.1.--><structure>
		<!--The list of states.-->
		<state id="0" name="q0">
		<state id="1" name="q1">
		<state id="2" name="q2">
		<!--The list of transitions.-->
			<read tape="1">1</read>
			<write tape="1"/>
			<move tape="1">L</move>
			<read tape="2">1</read>
			<write tape="2"/>
			<move tape="2">R</move>
			<read tape="1">0</read>
			<write tape="1"/>
			<move tape="1">L</move>
			<read tape="2">0</read>
			<write tape="2"/>
			<move tape="2">R</move>
			<read tape="1"/>
			<write tape="1"/>
			<move tape="1">L</move>
			<read tape="2"/>
			<write tape="2"/>
			<move tape="2">R</move>
			<read tape="1">0</read>
			<write tape="1">0</write>
			<move tape="1">R</move>
			<read tape="2"/>
			<write tape="2">0</write>
			<move tape="2">L</move>
			<read tape="1">1</read>
			<write tape="1">1</write>
			<move tape="1">R</move>
			<read tape="2"/>
			<write tape="2">1</write>
			<move tape="2">L</move>
			<read tape="1"/>
			<write tape="1"/>
			<move tape="1">S</move>
			<read tape="2"/>
			<write tape="2"/>
			<move tape="2">S</move>