
142 lines
4.5 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_WORDS 14
#define MAX_TRIES 6
const char *words[MAX_WORDS] = {
void display_hangman(int tries) {
switch (tries) {
case 0: printf(" ----\n | |\n |\n |\n |\n |\n--------\n"); break;
case 1: printf(" ----\n | |\n | O\n |\n |\n |\n--------\n"); break;
case 2: printf(" ----\n | |\n | O\n | |\n |\n |\n--------\n"); break;
case 3: printf(" ----\n | |\n | O\n | /|\n |\n |\n--------\n"); break;
case 4: printf(" ----\n | |\n | O\n | /|\\\n |\n |\n--------\n"); break;
case 5: printf(" ----\n | |\n | O\n | /|\\\n | /\n |\n--------\n"); break;
case 6: printf(" ----\n | |\n | O\n | /|\\\n | / \\\n |\n--------\n"); break;
void choose_words(char *chosen_word, int max_length) {
int total_length = 0;
int used[MAX_WORDS] = {0}; // Array to mark used words
int word_index;
chosen_word[0] = '\0'; // Initialize empty string
while (total_length < max_length) {
word_index = rand() % MAX_WORDS;
// Ensure we do not exceed max_length or reuse a word
if (!used[word_index] && total_length + strlen(words[word_index]) + (total_length > 0 ? 1 : 0) <= max_length) {
// Add a space if this isn't the first word
if (total_length > 0) {
strcat(chosen_word, " ");
total_length++; // Account for the space
strcat(chosen_word, words[word_index]); // Add the word to the chosen word
total_length += strlen(words[word_index]);
used[word_index] = 1; // Mark the word as used
// If we're already at the exact length, break
if (total_length == max_length) {
// Break if no more suitable words can be found
int all_used = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WORDS; i++) {
if (!used[i] && total_length + strlen(words[i]) + 1 <= max_length) {
all_used = 0;
if (all_used) break;
int main() {
int max_word_length;
printf("Choisissez la taille maximum du mot à deviner : ");
scanf("%d", &max_word_length);
char chosen_word[max_word_length]; // String to store the chosen combination of words
choose_words(chosen_word, max_word_length);
int word_length = strlen(chosen_word);
char guessed[word_length + 1]; // +1 for the null terminator
int tries = 0;
int guessed_correctly = 0;
int letters_to_guess = 0; // Total letters to guess (excluding spaces)
// Initialize the guessed array and count the total number of letters to guess
for (int i = 0; i < word_length; i++) {
if (chosen_word[i] == ' ') {
guessed[i] = ' '; // Spaces are pre-revealed
} else {
guessed[i] = '_';
letters_to_guess++; // Only count non-space characters
guessed[word_length] = '\0';
while (tries < MAX_TRIES && guessed_correctly < letters_to_guess) {
printf("\nMot à deviner : %s\n", guessed);
char guess;
printf("Entrez une lettre : ");
scanf(" %c", &guess);
int found = 0;
int already_revealed = 0;
// Check if the guessed letter is in the word
for (int i = 0; i < word_length; i++) {
if (chosen_word[i] == guess) {
if (guessed[i] == '_') {
guessed[i] = guess;
found = 1;
} else {
already_revealed = 1; // The letter is already revealed
// Only increment tries if the letter was not found and not already revealed
if (!found && !already_revealed) {
if (guessed_correctly == letters_to_guess) {
printf("Félicitations ! Vous avez deviné le mot : %s\n", chosen_word);
} else {
printf("Désolé, vous avez perdu. Le mot était : %s\n", chosen_word);
return 0;