2024-09-18 16:48:02 +02:00

106 lines
3.5 KiB

class Game(int):
def __init__(self, start):
#Game variables
self.matches = start # number of matches
self.state = 0 #-1 = lost, 0 = draw, +1 = won
self.playerTurn = 1 # 1 = player 1 is playing, 2 = player 2 is playing
#Algorithm variables
self.exploreMaxCalls = 0 # Call counter of exploreMax
self.exploreMinCalls = 0 # Call counter of exploreMax
self.firstPlayerWinning = False # Result of MinMax
def miniMax(self):
`miniMax` function starts the MiniMax algorithm
Params :
self -- the current instance of the game
Return :
-1 = lost or 0 = draw or +1 = won -- depends on the possibility to win of the player
if(self.playerTurn == 1):
res = self.exploreMax(self.matches)
if(self.playerTurn == 2):
res = self.exploreMin(self.matches)
if(res == -1):
self.firstPlayerWinning = False
self.firstPlayerWinning = True
return res
def exploreMax(self, n):
`exploreMax` function tries to find if a player has possibilities to win the game
Params :
self -- the current instance of the game
n -- a number of matches
Return :
-1 = lose or 0 = draw or +1 = win -- depends on the possibility to win of the player
self.exploreMaxCalls += 1
bestVal = -1
return 1
for i in range (1,4):
res = self.exploreMin(n-i)
if(res > bestVal):
bestVal = res
if(bestVal == 1):
return bestVal
def exploreMin(self, n):
`exploreMin` function tries to find if a player has possibilities to win the game
Params :
self -- the current instance of the game
n -- a number of matches
Return :
-1 = lose or 0 = draw or +1 = win -- depends on the possibility to win of the player
self.exploreMinCalls += 1
worstVal = 1
return -1
for i in range (1,4):
res = self.exploreMax(n-i)
if(res < worstVal):
worstVal = res
if(worstVal == -1):
return worstVal
def __str__(self):
`__str__` function overrides the default function to get a custom display when printing the game object
Params :
self -- the current instance of the game
Return :
string -- contains all the game and algorithm values
content = ( "-----------------------\n"
"Game and algorithm data\n"
"== Game data ==\n"
f"Remaining matches : {self.matches}\n"
f"Game state : {self.state}\n"
f"Actual player : {self.playerTurn}\n"
"== Algorithm data ==\n"
f"exploreMax calls = {self.exploreMaxCalls}\n"
f"exploreMin calls = {self.exploreMinCalls}\n"
f"First player winning ? = {self.firstPlayerWinning}\n"
return content
game = Game(42) # Creating Nim game with 5 matches
game.miniMax() # Checking if the player 1 is winning
print(game) # Displays game and algorithm data