import javax.swing.*; /** * It provides a button that toggles between playing and stopping music when clicked. * @version 1.0 * @author Moncef STITI * @author Marco ORFAO */ public class MusicButton extends JButton { private static MusicPlayer currentMusicPlayer; private ImageIcon iconOn; private ImageIcon iconOff; private MusicPlayer musicPlayer; /** * Constructs a MusicButton. * @param onIconPath The file path for the icon when music is on. * @param offIconPath The file path for the icon when music is off. * @param musicFilePath The file path for the music file to be played. */ public MusicButton(String onIconPath, String offIconPath, String musicFilePath) { this.iconOn = new ImageIcon(onIconPath); this.iconOff = new ImageIcon(offIconPath); setIcon(this.iconOff); // Vérifie s'il y a déjà une musique en cours de lecture et l'arrête si nécessaire if (currentMusicPlayer != null && currentMusicPlayer.isPlaying()) { currentMusicPlayer.stop(); currentMusicPlayer = null; } this.musicPlayer = new MusicPlayer(musicFilePath); addActionListener(e -> { if (currentMusicPlayer != null && currentMusicPlayer.isPlaying()) { currentMusicPlayer.stop(); currentMusicPlayer = null; setIcon(this.iconOff); } else {; setIcon(this.iconOn); currentMusicPlayer = this.musicPlayer; } }); } }