corrections TP2 et TP3

This commit is contained in:
pvalarcher 2024-11-14 10:01:58 +01:00
parent c3df27e4e5
commit f3a325dd19
2 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Q1
select * from buveur;
# Q2
select numbuveur, nom, ville from buveur ;
# Q3
select numbuveur, nom from buveur where ville = 'PARIS';
# Q4
select numbuveur, nom from buveur where ville = 'PARIS' or ville = 'MACON';
# Q5
select cru from vin where region = 'LOIRE'
select distinct cru from vin where region = 'LOIRE';
# Q6
select distinct ville from buveur;
# Q7
select NumCom from commande where qtte between 10 and 50;
select NumCom from commande where qtte >10 and qtte <50;
# Q8
select NumCom, dateliv from livraison where DateLiv > '01/12/1987';
# Q9
select numvin, cru from vin where cru like 'B%';
# Q10
select numvitic, nom from viticulteur where nom like '%LIN%';
# Q11
select numbuveur, nom from buveur where ville != 'PARIS' and ville !='MACON';
select numbuveur, nom from buveur where ville not in ('PARIS', 'MACON');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-- Q1
select B.numbuveur, nom, ville
from buveur B, Commande C
where B.numbuveur = C.numbuveur;
select distinct B.numbuveur, nom, ville
from buveur B, Commande C
where B.numbuveur = C.numbuveur;
select distinct numbuveur, nom, ville
from buveur natural join Commande ;
select distinct numbuveur, nom, ville
from buveur join Commande using(numbuveur) ;
select distinct b.numbuveur, nom, ville
from buveur b join Commande c on (b.numbuveur=c.numbuveur);
-- Q2
select distinct numvitic, nom, prenom
from viticulteur natural join vin
where region = 'LOIRE' and millesime = 1983;
-- Q3
select distinct B.numbuveur, nom
from buveur b, commande c, vin v
where b.numbuveur = c.numbuveur and c.numvin=v.numvin and cru = 'POMMARD' ;
select distinct numbuveur, nom
from buveur natural join commande natural join vin
where cru = 'POMMARD';
-- Q4
select distinct nom
from vin v, commande c, viticulteur t
where c.numvin = v.numvin and v.numvitic = t.numvitic and numbuveur = 1600;
select distinct nom
from commande natural join vin natural join viticulteur
where numbuveur = 1600;
select distinct nom
from viticulteur
where numvitic in (select numvitic
from vin
where numvin in (select numvin
from commande
where numbuveur = 1600));