809 B

Projet BUT 3

made by : Simon CATANESE Julien CHARBONNEL Victor DESCAMPS

Tests warning :

the tests sheet 'api/image-request.test.jsx' was commented out to avoid over-sending requests to the google API during development. Remember to uncomment the file if you want to run all the tests once, but remember to recomment the file if you want to run a series of tests. An over-sending of requests could get us blocked for the day by google.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone gitea@dwarves.iut-fbleau.fr:legrelle/Projet-dev-but3-2024.git

Go to the project directory

  cd Projet-dev-but3-2024

Install dependencies

  npm i

Start the front-end

  npm run dev

API Reference

API Documentation : [Postman]([Postman documentation url])